Top 10 reasons why private and public Cloud solutions fail

Outsourcing TemplateApplications are moving to the cloud and CIOs are striving to make the cloud as private and secure as possible - There are 10 reasons why these efforts fail

  1. Changing infrastructure but not changing the operational processes -Implementing a private or public cloud solution is not just installing new technology. The users need to know what the features and functions are of the cloud to maximize the value of the cloud solution.
  2. Ignoring what others are doing - Keeping up to date as to what other are doing, what the new features and functions are available with new devices, and necessary security requirements is critical. If the private based cloud application does not change to meet what is available in the public arena management will question the value of the private cloud.
  3. Real benefits are not understood - Cloud projects are often pursued as a money-saving efforts. Improvements in customer service and product enhancements are the real benefits and many implementers do not show this as the true reason to move to the cloud.
  4. Align IT and business in the private cloud - Finding the right balance of what the private cloud's main benefits are for both the technology and the business is critical
  5. Having the wrong staff resources assigned to the design, implementation and operation of the private cloud - Different skills are required for each phase of the private cloud life cycle. CIOs who do not address this early on are doomed to solutions that do not reach their maximum achievable benefits or worse yet failure.
  6. Benefits are not measured - As the cloud application is put up metrics are often not defined as to what success is and what failure is. Thus good solutions cannot be segregated from bad ones.
  7. Charging fairly for services rendered - A key aspect of both a public and private cloud solution is a charge-back model that allows business units to be held accountable for which resources are used.
  8. Benefits are not communicated - Marketing both inside and outside of the organization are needed to constantly communicate the value and security of the cloud based solutions.
  9. The application is not really a cloud based solution - Just processing information in the same way that it was on a mainframe on a private cloud is not truly a cloud application. A cloud solution needs to be re-engineered to provide "value added" to both the enterprise and the user.
  10. Organization is not geared to support cloud applications and cloud users - Once a cloud application is operational both service desk and the users need to know how to make it work. For example many cloud and customer facing "web based" applications that were failing have been moved out of the IT organization to the marketing and organizations. Once that happened they meet the overall organizations objectives.

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