Top 10 Cybersecurity Management World Class Best Practices

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Even the best enterprises may have large gaps in their network security that they are not even aware are there.  Janco highlights the importance of rock solid network security.

The top 10 Best Practices IT Pros need to follow to manage cyberseurity at "World Class" Levels:

  1. Scan Network for Layer Vulnerabilities - Conduct authenticated scanning to minimize false positive and have a plan in place on next steps when the scan uncovers a vulnerability.
  2. Isolate executables from critical system resources
  3. Implement and manage a Patch Management / Version Control Policy
  4. Maintain a configuration management process. Validate the validity of the configuration and backup and recovery processes
  5. Monitor and prevent Internet activity with known untrusted networks
    and devices.
  6. Regularly scan internal and external applications.
  7. Control WiFi usage and look for employees venturing to other WiFi networks to subvert internal
    security controls.
  8. Monitor web traffic and install application level firewalls
  9. Conduct penetration testing which is not to be confused with vulnerability scanning. Penetration testing identifies
    methods of attack that could be used to compromise your networks.
  10. Manage identities in a customer environment provides peace of mind that access is granted as needed. This not only prevents disgruntled ex-employees from impacting your customers but also keeps well-meaning trusted employees from making mistakes that have dramatic effect on the business.

In addition Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) technologies can identify security threats from log analysis.

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