M Victor Janulaitis index of YouTube.com videos

Victor Janulaitis YouTube and Video links - Index of M.V. Janulaitis' YouTube videos. User understands and agrees that all of the photos here are for personal use only. In addition the user agrees to retain all meta data. Victor Janulaitis YouTube and Video links.

READ ME: In order to access the photos click on the image. You will then be taken to the index page. When you see a photo that you like, click on the photo and you will be taken to the full size image that is available to you. There is a link below the image. Click on it and you will have an options (via a right click) to down load the image or email it to you. NOTE: the download only works on a desktop or laptop computer. It does now work for smart phones or tablets. Be aware that each photo here has a signature in the lower right hand corner.

This index is maintained by Mr. Janulaitis on this site and is for informational purposes only. To get the full index of these and other video do a search on YouTube for "Janulaitis". You do have an option to subscribe to my feed there. All of the videos remain the property of the author.

The author grants viewer the rights to utilize the videos non-commercially. If you would like to use any of our video, for a fee we will private label a the particular video for you. All of the photos, and then some more are located on the Photo Index. As an alternative, the YouTube.com search function can be used to find the videos that have been produced. Just enter the search term "Janulaitis" and you will be able to find them. You also will have the option to register to my channel and be notified when a new video is posted.