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  • Are You Ready for the Security Audit
  • Security Manaual Template with Security Audit Program
  • DRP and Security Audit Bundle

Are you Ready for the Security Audit?

Whether you manage a small business or a large enterprise, IT security is one area in which you cannot afford to miss a single detail. On top of that, new compliance regulations and best practices are being introduced frequently. All it takes is one missing element in your IT security plan to leave your business open to network attacks and operational disasters, along with the financial and legal consequences they can produce.

Record Retention Periods

Security Manual Template with Security Audit Program

The Security Manual template has just been updated to include policies for Wireless devices. This along with the Security Audit program is the one new tool that you need to have in your arsenal.

The Security Manual Template with the 33 page Security Audit Template provides all the essential sections of a complete security manual and walks you through the creation of each step. Detailed language addressing more than a dozen security topics in this 240 plus page Microsoft Word document, which you can modify as much or as little as you need to fit your business requirement.

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IT Service Management

DRP and Security Audit Bundle

This bundle is fully compliant with Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA, PCI-DSS and ISO27000. It has been updated to reflect all of the recent legislation and other mandated requirements.

The Disaster Planning and Business Continuity Template has been selected by over 2,000 enterprise as the foundation of their DRP and BCP programs.

The Security Manual Templatehas just been updated to address issues such as SmartPhone and other PDAs

The Security Audit Program contains over 400 unique tasks divided into 11 areas of audit focus which are the divided into 38 separate task groupings. The audit program is one that either an external auditor, internal auditor can use to validate the compliance of the Information Technology and the enterprise to ISO 27000, Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA, and PCI-DSS.

The Disaster Recovery / Business Continuity Audit program identifies control objectives that are meet by the audit program. There are 36 specific items that the audit covers in theĀ 11 page audit program.

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