Janco Associates, Inc.Janco Associates

Electronically Delivered CIO Tools - Janco Associates Contact Information - Janco Associates, Inc. (incorporated in 1998) is a management consulting firm that focuses on Management Information Systems, and in particular on the strategic application of information technology to gain competitive business advantage. As part of our practice, Janco creates ELECTRONIC products that are sold via the Internet. Electronically Delivered CIO Tools and Buy CIO Electronically - These include:

  • IT Infrastructure
  • Salary Surveys
  • Job Descriptions
  • Templates for Disaster Recovery and Security
  • Polices and Procedures

You can reach Janco by

  • sending e-mail to: support@e-janco.com

We are a Nevada based corporation and an office in Utah. If you need more information please contact us via the e-mail address above or by phone.


See advertising rate sheet.

Our Practice

Janco has a proven approach that results in actions that lead to significant operational improvements by focusing the organization to meet top management's needs. This is accomplished by looking at the total spectrum of the business function, the technologies utilized, and the overall steps and plans that will help the organization succeed.

Janco's principals and consultants bring to the practice strong backgrounds in information technology and operational improvement in a wide range of industries. The result is the ability to apply specific expertise to unique situations.

Janco has defined a matrix that shows how Information Technology needs can adapt to enterprise needs quickly in the ever-changing business environment. Five basic business requirements and the necessary IT capabilities and responses are:

  • Quick Time-to-market - The ability to roll our new applications and technology is expanded with the use of System-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
  • Restructuring business due to merger, acquisition, or divestiture - Ability to add, change, and eliminate IT operations through an effective design and implementation of a structured IT Infrastructure for both networks and data centers.
  • Integration of IT technology with business operations - Ability to implement and operate on a 7 by 24 basis for all application, application support, network, and processing operations. This included having integrated Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plans implemented.
  • Compliance with mandated security and financial reporting requirements - Defined policies, procedures, and processes that quickly and efficiently support business operations without hindering to overall effectiveness of the processes that are put in place to support them.
  • Maintain an ROI in support of long-term objectives of the business - Metrics that are tied to the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) of the enterprise and are supported by defined Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

Janco's principals have consulted since 1982. Our clients primarily consist of Fortune 500 corporations.

Specialized areas of Janco's practice include

  • Electronic Books - Create network ready electronic books to eliminate paper. Improve accuracy, ease of use, and turnaround time. Reduce infrastructure costs and training.
  • Outsourcing Reviews - Analyzing, planning, and managing the migration to third party providers of operations, network and application services
  • Information Systems Reporting - Developing and implementing methods to focus management's attention on critical data processing operational issues.
  • Information Systems for Competitive Advantage - Assisting organizations in using computer systems and information delivery as tools to generate business and capture market share.
  • Information Systems Planning and Development - Defining direction for the management of planning, developing, and implementing automated business systems that complement a firm's strategic needs.
  • Internet and Intranet Web Site Design, Implementation and Management - Create Web sites for corporations and e-commerce.
  • Data Network and Communication Planning - Developing architectures to support the use of decentralized data processing structures, including point-of-sale networks and multiple-site data entry and retrieval networks
  • Competitive Compensation Analysis - Surveying the marketplace of compensation for data processing professionals, and assessing the alignment of compensation programs between competing organizations.

Projects have included:

  • Salary Surveys
  • Browser Market Share Studies
  • Operating System Market Share Studies
  • Strategic Technology Planning
  • Competitive Advantage Definition
  • Competitive Analysis
  • User Procedures Development and Documentation
  • Information Systems Assessment and Planning Disaster Recovery Planning
  • MIS Performance Metrics and Reporting
  • Compensation Analysis
  • Telecommunication Cost Reduction/Containment Skills
  • Requirements Definition Project Management
  • Risk Assessment
  • Systems Development
  • Critical Success Factor Analysis
  • Outsourcing Negotiations and Implementation
  • Balanced Score Card
  • Metrics Definition
  • Metrics Implementation
  • SLA Implementation

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