Job Description Bundles

Each Job Descriptions in WORD is fully compliant with all mandated requirements and has been recently updated
Both HR and IT have a critical role in addressing the expectations that the Executive Management has of HR and the CIO. You need integrated processes with an application/infrastructure backbone to support them. While the CIO may have a systems focus with a lack of sympathy for HR needs, his/her demands actually will enable HR to gain better process focus.
So, where do you start? How do you create a talent management strategy that adds value to your business, or validate the one you have? A successful talent management strategy depends on four critical elements:
- Alignment of talent management and business goals;
- Alignment of talent management business and technology strategies;
- Integration of talent management processes, systems and data (this is key!); and,
- Development of a solid talent management analytic strategy.
Detail job descriptions for both private and public (government) sector enterprises are available. They can be purchased individually or in bundles.
Note The job description in the individual bundles are ALL contained within the Internet and IT Position Descriptions HandiGuide.
C-Level Job Description Bundle |
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The C-Level job description bundle contains the top twelve (12) IT job descriptions. Each is between 5 to 8 pages long and is at the level of detail that KPI performance metrics can be defined and related directly to both employment contracts and compensation/bonus levels. Also included is a summary of the compensation for these positions.
- Chief Information Officer(CIO)
- Chief Information Officer (CIO) - Small Enterprise
- Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer (CAIO)
- Chief Experience Officer (CXO)
- Chief Security Officer (CSO)
- Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
- Chief Compliance Officer (CCO)
- Chief Mobility Officer
- Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
- Chief Product Officer
- Chief Data Officer (CDaO)
- Chief Digital Officer (CDO)
Executive Management Job Description Bundle |
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The Executive Management job description bundle contains eighteen (18) executive management positions updated to meet all of the mandated compliance requirements of both the US and the EU. Each is between 5 to 8 pages long and is at the level of detail that KPI performance metrics can be defined and related directly to both employment contracts and compensation/bonus programs. Each job description comes as an individual MS WORD file and is contained along with the others in a single PDF file that can easily be distributed internally.
Compliance Management Job Description Bundle |
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Compliance Management Job Description Bundle includes 26 full job descriptions in MS WORD and PDF formats. They are:
Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning Job Description Bundle |
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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Job Description Bundle contains 21 full job descriptions in MS Word and PDF formats. They are:
Active Team Members
Supporting Team Members
Web3 - Blockchain Job Description Bundle |
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Web 3 and Blockchain aref the "hottest" areas for employment in IT today. It is not uncommon for salarie to be in the range of $130K to $150K. This job description bundle is a must. This bundle will continue to be expanded and updated frequently, the update subscription service is a must.
As an added bonus the job descriptions come as individual MS WORD files and sharable PDF and eReader files.
- Vice President Strategy and Architecture
- Chief Artificial Intelligenc Officer (CAIO)
- Chief Data Officer
- Chief Digital Officer - CDO
- Chief Experience Officer - CXO
- Chief Security Officer - CSO
- Director Electronic Commerce
- Manager Blockchain Architecture
- Manager Database
- Manager DevOps
- Project Manager Blockchain
- Project Manager Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
- Project Manager Enterprise Architecture
- Blockchain Analyst
- Blockchain Developer
- Data Scientist
- Database Administrator
- Full Stack Developer
- Web3 Developer
- Web3 Analyst
Read on for a special offer which includes the IT Job Family Classification System.
DevOps Job Description Bundle |
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DevOps (Development Operations) are the roles and positions that create and manage infrastructure applications, projects and process utilizing the mixture of IT Application Development and Operations. These positions are some of the "hottest" areas for employment in IT. It is not uncommon for salaries to be in the range of $140K to $200K for experience DevOps pros. This job description bundle is a must.
Included with this bundle is the complete IT Job Family Classification with suggested job progressions path. Can be utilized to establish salary pay grades in addion to promotion paths.
As an added bonus the job descriptions come as individual MS WORD files and sharable PDF and eReader files.
- Chief Digital Officer - CDO
- Chief Experience Officer - CXO
- Digital Brand Manager
- Manager DevOps
- DevOps Application Designer
- DevOps Quality Control Specialist
- DevOps Software Engineer
- DevOps Version Control Specialist
e-Commerce and Wireless Job Description Bundle |
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With the rise of the social media and the extensive use of Internet shopping sites, a new management and organizational hierarchy is now the rule of the day. This bundle of job descriptions address this shift. The 27 job descriptions included are:
Enterprise Architecture (EA) Job Description Bundle |
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Enterprise Architecture is the conceptual blue print for defines the structure, applications, data, and operational work flow of the enterprise. There are four main areas of Enterprise Architecture (EA): business processes, data, applications, and technology. All four need to be adequately represented if your EA is going to be robust. Unfortunately, too many EA implementations fail due to with non-existent business process architecture and practically no data architecture. The application and technology architectures are typically well worked out, but those are secondary architectures that support the business processes and data used by the business. It is the business process and data architectures that are foundational. Failing to adequately develop them leaves the EA effort flat.
We have identified 24 positions that are involved with this and have included them in this bundle. They are:
AI and ERP Job Descriptions Bundle |
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The Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) are processes by which an enterprise can integrate all of it applications and data to improve and manage the operations of an enterprise. The skills required to design, develop, implement, and manage these applications is defined in the 30 job descriptions in this bundle. Comes as 30 individual MS WORD files (one for each job description) and one 104 page PDF file with all of the job descriptions. The job descriptions included are:
ITSM & SOA Job Description Bundle |
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IT Service Management is one of the KPIs that executive management looks at. To that end the ITSM SOA template focuses on service levels. Recently added job descriptions include the Chief Experience Officer and Digital Brand Manager. The 24 jobs that support those processes are:
Disaster Recovery Business Continuity Job Description Bundle |
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Disaster Recovery Business Continuity Job Description Bundle contains the following detail job descriptions in both in MS WORD and PDF formats. Included are:
Schema Markup Generator (JSON-LD)
Security Job Description Bundle |
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With all of the security and hacker breaches, IT is faced with some difficult phalanges. Janco's Security Manual Template is one solution. It is augmented with the 25 full job descriptions which define specific roles an responsibilities. Included is a bonus of a pay scale summary for the Security Job Family. This was created as part of Janco's semi-annual IT Salary survey.
The job descriptions included in this bundle are:
Metrics - KPI Job Description Bundle |
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A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a measurable value that demonstrates how effectively an enterprise is achieving key business objectives. Organizations use KPIs to evaluate their success at reaching targets. The job titles that are associated with defining, implementing and monitoring them within the IT function are contained within this job description bundle.
Salary Survey Job Description Bundle |
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Janco produces a semi-annual salary survey and the positions included in this bundle are the ones that Janco has compensation data for.
Executive Management
VP Chief Information Officer, VP Chief Security Officer, VP Administration, VP Consulting Services, VP Information Services, VP Technical Services, Director IT Planning, Director Production/Data Center (Operations), Director Systems & Programming
Middle Management
Manager Applications, Manager Blockchain, Manager Computer Operations, Manager Customer Service, Manager Data Communications , Manager Database , Manager Information Center, Manager Internet Systems, Manager Network Services, Manager Op Systems Prod, Manager Production Services, Manager Production Support, Manager Quality Control, Manager Security and Workstations, Manager Systems and Programming, Manager Technical Services, Manager Training Documentation, Manager Voice Data Communication, Capacity Planning Supervisor, Change Control Supervisor, Computer Ops Shift Manager, Computer Ops Shift Supervisor, Data Entry Supervisor, Production Control Specialist, Production Services Supervisor, Project Manager Applications , Project Manager Distributed Systems, Project Manager Network Technical Services, Project Manager Systems, Supervisor Hardware Installations, Supervisor Desktop Support, Supervisor Network Services, Voice/Wireless Communications Manager, Webmaster
Change Control Analyst, Computer Operator, Data Center Facility Administrator, Data Entry Clerk, Data Security Administrator, Database Specialist, Disaster Recovery Coordinator, e-Commerce Specialist, Forms and Graphics Designer, Hardware Installations Coordinator, Internet developer, IT Planning Analyst, LAN Applications Support Analyst, Librarian, Network Control Analyst, Network Services Administrator, Network Technician, Object Programmer, Operations Analyst, Personal Computer Specialist, Production Control Analyst, Programmer/Analyst, Senior Network Specialist, Software Engineer, Systems Analyst, Systems Programmer, Systems Support Specialist, Technical Services Specialist, Technical Specialist, Voice/Wireless Communications Coordinator, Web SEO Analyst
The full set of Internet and IT Job Descriptions
Order IT Job Description HandiGuide Sample Description Download TOC
The job descriptions contained within the Internet and Information Technology Position Descriptions HandiGuide™ are all in a standard format and are available as in PDF, and Word formats. All of the job descriptions were reviewed and updated to comply with Sarbanes-Oxley and the ISO 27000 security standard. The latest version of the HandiGuide was completed a few months ago and is over 900 plus pages in length. The Internet and IT Position Descriptions HandiGuide includes sample organization charts, a job progression matrix, and the 331 Job Descriptions. The book also addresses Fair Labor Standards, Sexual Harassment, the ADA, and is in a new easier to read format.
Each job description meets ADA standards and the position description is delivered in electronic format - WORD (.docx) which is editable and PDF which is printed. Also included are tools to help you expand, evaluate and define your enterprise's unique additional requirements. Those tools include:
- Job Evaluation Questionnaire
- Position Description Questionnaire
- Job Progression Matrix (Job Family Classifications)
- Best Practices - Resume Screening
- Best Practices - Phone Screening
- Hiring Guide
- Executive Management - 19 job descriptions
- Senior Management - 106 job descriptions
- Middle Management -54 job descriptions
- Staff Positions - 162 job descriptions
Read On Order Classification Pay Grade System Download Sample