Password Best Practices Defined

Password Best Practices Defined - Complex passwords are very difficult to guess or even crack using commonly available code breaking software. Password complexity is often built on the length of the word and the difficulty one has in guessing it. The more complex a password you create, the more secure you are making your data. Passwords that feature uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and characters are much more challenging for a hacker to crack. Integrating numbers and characters into phrases also helps guard against dictionary attacks.

Passwords are absolutely vital to computer and network security. They establish frontline defense by tenaciously guarding the user's account. An inadequate password creates a weak barrier often resulting in account theft.

A safe and secure password must follow the following criteria

  • It should contain special characters such as @#$%^&
  • It must be at least 8 characters long.
  • It shouldn't be simply common words such as "password" or your login name, neither be your birth date, 123 or any words that can be found in the dictionary in any language.
  • It must contain a variety of capital and lower case letters.

Also, these are the elements that you should definitely avoid when creating your password

  • Logical sequences such as names of places.
  • Common words such as 'airplane' should be replaced with symbols, example 'a!rPlan£s'.
  • Family names and dates of birth shouldn't be included in a password.

Finally, it's very important to use a different password for each website you register with, the reason being that should you forget your password, you will no longer have access to your email account, chat or other services which you probably make use of on a daily basis.

Examples of strong passwords (the following are for example purposes only; do not use any of these examples as your actual password):

  • Use a name, modified slightly, like "b0b$mith" or "M@ryL0ng".
  • Use a phrase you can remember, like "hello world" modified to "hel10@World".
  • "tL*5i?wu" (contains letters, special characters, and numbers).

Even though it is not a rule, it is strongly recommended that you use a combination of both upper and lower case letters.

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