Information Security Analyst Job Description
Information security analysts must stay up to date on IT security and on the latest methods attackers are using to infiltrate computer systems.
Order Information Security Analyst Job Description

Information Security Analyst Job Description - Information Security Analyst is a position that is in high demand. As of the first quarter of 2018, there were over 100,000 individuals employed in that role. Over the next ten (10) years the number of individuals in that role will increase by 28%, which is materially greater than the total projected job growth.
The median salary for that position in Janco's IT Salary Survey was over $100,000. That also is greater than the median salary of all IT professionals.
With the emphasis on security and data protection, this role will continue to be one that is in high demand. Certifications are a plus. Included are:
- Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) which is a globally recognized standard of achievement in the industry. And this Cybersecurity certification was the first information security credential to meet the strict conditions of ISO/IEC Standard 17024.
- Global Information Assurance Certification Security Expert is one of over 30 cyber security certifications in security administration, management, legal, audit, forensics and software security.
The demand for this position is very high due to the continual increase in mandated security and privacy compliance requirements. The increased demand for this position will not let up any time soon.
What is an Information Security Analyst
Information security analysts plan and carry out security measures to protect an organization’s computer networks and systems. Their responsibilities are continually expanding as the number of cyberattacks continue to increase.
The Information Security Analyst works on the operational data center systems and networks. The focus of this position is to understand advanced cyber threats while helping the stakeholders build appropriate mitigation strategies and ensure the enterprise and production networks are protected.
This role is evolving to that of being a Cybersecurity specialist focusing on computer forensics, figuring out how someone hacked in and retracing those steps, and application security, identifying and fixing software vulnerabilities.
To prepare for this role there are three (3) thing that individuals should do:
- Get education and training - Attend formal classes in traded schools and universities or take on-line tutorials which focus on security, compliance, and forensics.
- Network with security professionals - Join user groups or professional associations to meet others in the security field. Latch on to those who are able to help and answer questions. Start talking to people, and get your name out there; let them know that you’re looking to get started. It’s amazing how many people are willing to help if only you ask.
- Get certified - The CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional), the oldest certification for IT security, is the gold standard. It’s good for identifying whether people have a baseline.
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