Succession Planning - Job Families and Classification

Identifying the critical positions within your organization - developing action plans for individuals to assume those positions

Who will be the next CIO - CTO - Inside promotion or outside hire?

IT JobFamilies Succession planning is the process of identifying critical positions like the CIO/CTO within your organization and developing action plans for individuals to assume those positions. Having an understanding of the current and future goals, this process ensures that you have the right people in the right jobs today and in the years to come. To support the top level positions, all of the positions within the IT function need to have complete succession plans.

A succession plan identifies future staffing needs and the people with the skills and potential to perform in these roles.

In the long term, succession planning strengthens the overall capability of the organization by:

  • Identifying critical positions and highlighting potential vacancies;
  • Selecting key competencies and skills necessary for business continuity;
  • Focusing development of individuals to meet future business needs

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IT Job Family Classification and Pay Grade System

Included in IT Job Family Classification are templates and tips for:

  • Ensuring succession planning is closely tied to business strategy and goals;
  • Setting pay grades and promotion criteria
  • Understanding the importance of engaging executive and senior leaders in the process;
  • Clearly defining the development of key talent; and Ensuring staff understand their role in the process and know what is expected of them.

A job family is a series of progressively higher, related jobs distinguished by levels of knowledge, skills, and abilities (competencies) and other factors, and which provide promotional and compensation opportunities.

Job Classification system is a basis for career/succession planning and setting pay ranges for IT Pros

IT Job Family Classification & Pay Grade System - Both in an individual's personal career planning and an enterprise's staffing, promotion and compensation, it is important to have benchmarks on the levels that individuals are at. To that end, one of the best objective ways to meet this goal is to have formal job descriptions and clear paths for promotion and compensation.

Over the past three decades Janco Associates and its principles have created a set of 331 IT Job descriptions that are viewed by many as the industry standard. As a natural extension of that offering Janco has documented its IT job classification system.

A job family classification system is one that defines how individuals can grow in to higher level positions over time by providing benchmarks and milestones that need to be achieved as they advance over time. This in time, impacts the responsibilities and compensation that is paid in a fair and objective manner.

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The primary drivers are the scope of responsibilities which are assigned to a particular family and level based on the job family classification and level descriptions. All positions at the same level have the same salary grade throughout an enterprise.

Security Job Family Pay Grade Sample

Security Job Family pay grades

Traditional Job Family Classification Pay Grade System

The traditional job families within an organization does not have clearly defined promotion paths and pay grades. In addition compensation levels are often driven by factors other than an individuals capabilities and performance.

IT job families

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Janco's Job Family Classification & Pay Grade System HandiGuide®

In this example we show five classes within an IT organization. In this example the lT job families have clearly defined promotion paths and pay grades. In addition compensation levels for individuals can be set based on capabilities and performance.

The model below is the one that is included in the IT Job Classification and Pay Grade HandiGuide® .

IT Job families

Janco has created similar models with up to ten (10) job families for several larger IT organizations. Please contact us directly to obtain a quote for this "turn-key" service.

You have the option to order either the Job Family Classification System or the CIO HR and Staffing Management Kit. Remember to order Janco's World Class update service which will provide with updates to these products as soon as they are available.

Job Classes defined

An example of specific the System Analyst job class family with full job description can be found on the link below

Read on System Analyst Succession Plans and job class