Disaster Recovery Template Includes Sample Service Contract

Disaster Recovery PlanningDisaster Recovery Template Includes Sample Service Contract - The Disaster Recovery Business Continuity Template has just been updated to comply with Cobit compliance requirements and now includes a sample contract for Disaster Recovery processing and office services.

Preparation for Disaster Recovery / Business Continuity in light of the multiple compliance requirements has two primary parts. The first is putting systems in place to completely protect all financial and other data required to meet the reporting regulations and to archive the data to meet future requests for clarification of those reports. The second is to clearly and expressly document all these procedures so that in the event of a SOX, Cobit, HIPAA, or ISO audit, the auditors clearly see that the DRP exists and will appropriately protect the data.

Read on  Order DRP  DRP Sample

Free Fall in Job Market -- Is It Over Yet?

Since November of 2008, IT employment has declined by nearly 250,000 jobs, or 6 percent, after peaking that month at 4.058 million jobs. However, only 1,100 jobs were lost in August, or a .03 percent decline.
The U.S. Commerce Department has reported that the U.S. economy grew by a 3.5 percent annual rate in the last quarter.

In the past few weeks more layoffs continue to be announced. Just this month alone Adobe announced 680, Sprint another 2,500, and Electrinic Arts 1,500 to note a few.

IT employment is in a trough and so is the pay, according to Janco Associates a Park City UT based research group that studies IT compensation. (see IT Salary Survey). Janco said "... in 2009 compensation for IT professionals has been cut by the largest amount in nearly two decades. For example, the government index of real average weekly earnings down 1.9 percent since its high point last December. And the average workweek - now down to 33 hours - is the shortest on modern record.

Historic IT Job Market Size

Historic IT Job Market Size

Data complied by Janco Associates with data as of September 2024

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Jobs board Dice.com reported 53,400 jobs posted in 2011 as compared with 75,600 in November of 2008. IT jobs continue to move overseas.

Read on Salary Survey  Order Salary Survey  Download Summary