Management Tool Kit - Over 2,700 pages
IT and CIO Management Tools
Infrastructure Best Practices & Tools
CIO management concerns are constantly changing but the solutions are always centered around three factors: technology, infrastructure and people
This tool kit has been updated to reflect changes to the IT Infrastructure caused by the Pandemic - including WFH and Cloud processing. It meets all of the EU's GDPR mandated requirements and reflects all of the requirements of the California Privacy Act. It contains a Privacy Compliance Policy with its associated electronic forms and job descriptions.
Top CIO Management and Planning Priorities
In a recent survey of CIO and C-Level executives Janco identified the top 10 management and planning priorities that CIOs face and they relate to the three areas mentioned above.
Top 10 CIO Management and Planning Priorities
Change from what was originally published - Updated to the latest data
The survey conducted by Janco Associates, Inc. identified the management and planning priorities that CIOs and CEOs have. CIOs and C-Level executives were asked to list and rank their top 5 management and planning priorities. 213 companies participated in the survey including both large and mid-sized companies that had at least 150 IT professionals under their direct control.
CIO Management and Planning Priorities had a seismic shift
We conducted a survey of 213 IT functions across multiple industries and from mega corporations to companies with as few as 50 IT professionals. In 2025 the top 10 priorities are:
- Security - Internal and external threats are on the increase and CIOs continue to be focused on this.
- Compliance - With the expansion of the infrastructure to address eCommerce, the possibility of a downturn, and a shortage of compliance talent moved this up.
- Cost Control – When the economy was booming last year, many CIOs were not that concerned. Today that is not the case.
- Budget Management - Important as inflation continues to be an issue and the recovery falters adjust the optimistic budgets that were created last year need to be adjusted.
- Access Management - Network management and control now have an even greater role than before. In 2022, 69% of the individuals interviewed placed that in the top ten. Now it is a priority for 58%.
- Privacy / Identity Protection - With the rise of WFH, GDPR, and CCPA data privacy is a top ten priority.
- IT Productivity – Many IT functions are top-heavy with too many layers of management and non-essential staff who add to IT overhead impacting overall productivity. This had the greatest shift in importance as both CIOs and CFOs looked to eliminate “non-essential” staff. CIOs are looking towards the use of AI to eliminate “routine” functions.
- AI Skills - Was barely on the radar in 2022 and now 52% of all CIOs and CFOs are looking to train, acquire, or recruit AI skills. Salaries for individuals with these skills are among the highest-paid IT Pros.
- Mobile Computing - Mobile and end-user computing requires applications to be outward-facing, functional on a myriad of devices, and user-friendly. Most of this work was completed last year. Now it has a priority for 49% of the interviewees versus 69% in 2022.
- Internet Application – There is still a high demand for applications that are internet-based and outward-facing to clients and customers. These are important. We found no initiatives in this arena that have been canceled. Rather we have not seen as many of these “new” projects initiated for e-commerce, blockchain, ERP, cloud, and support.
Janco has created a kit that contains tools which help an enterprise more easily manage each of the CIO priorities.
The kit can be ordered with or with out Janco's subscription update service or any of the kit components can be ordered individually.
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