Protecting Personal, Confidential and Sensitive Data is Easier with New Janco Offering
Park City, UT - Protecting Personal, Confidential and Sensitive Data is Easier with New Janco Offering - Janco has just released another in its series of Sarbanes-Oxley Tools, the Sensitive Information Policy. This new tool is a detailed 15 page policy that directly addresses the protection of personal data, confidential data and enterprise sensitive information. A full description can be found on the Information Technology Productivity Center (ITPC) web site and by clickling here
The policy contains a definition of standards and actions to implement them for secure networks. In addition it has guidelines for monitoring and testing networks and business record retention including email. Victor Janulaitis, Janco's CEO said, “Almost every day there is a story in the media about how personal data or business sensitive information is lost, improperly disclosed, or stolen. The Sensitive Information Policy is something that gives every enterprise a set of rules that are easy to implement and follow. ” In adding he said, “The Sensitive Information Policy addresses all of the Sarbanes-Oxley and California Personal Data requirements. This policy applies to the entire enterprise, its vendors, its suppliers (including outsourcers) and co-location providers and facilities regardless of the methods used to store and retrieve sensitive information (e.g. online processing, outsourced to a third party, Internet, Intranet or swipe terminals). ”
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