Technology Jobs Outlook

by John Rossheim

Technology Jobs Outlook - In 2010 and 2011, government spending drove much IT hiring. In 2012 with the economy showing signs of recovery and government mandates -- in the form of regulatory requirements - CIOs are preparing for significant technology hiring.

“We’re finding the only industry where there’s real hiring is healthcare, especially for electronic records conversion,” says Victor Janulaitis, CEO of Janco Associates in Park City, Utah. “If a CIO can show a quick payback on technology, then there’s some hiring -- but none for maintenance or training. ”

There is a broader trend in IT spending on compliance. The healthcare and financial services industries are very strong, being heavily regulated and dealing with massive amounts of data.

In addition the range of industries that will hire IT talent aggressively in 2012 is even broader, including the life sciences, telecom, transportation, infrastructure and energy.

Skills in Demand

In 2012, skills in key computer technologies, especially in software, will be in much demand. At IT firms, virtualization, business intelligence and mobile app developrs are really strong. Also application developrs are really hot right now, then .Net, Java, PHP, Silverlight and SharePoint.

The list of in-demand technology jobs: sales application engineers, CRM specialists, security experts, backup and recovery technicians, service/help desk support specialists and service technicians.

Social media will exert ever-broader influence in the new year. People are needed to integrate social media into the enterprise IT ecosystem, to link a company’s social media presence to its Web presence.

Substantial technology hiring will also occur where enterprise concerns are irrelevant. Small companies are looking for people who have the skills to do more than one thing. They want to hire an IT person who can program, do systems administration and deal with customers.

One in four organizations is looking to hire additional IT staff within the next month

There was a net increase of 1,400 IT jobs in February according to the latest BLS data. There was an improvement in computer system design and related services accounted of 7,200 jobs, data processing hosting 1,100, and other information services 300 jobs, and but was offset by a loss of 7,200 jobs in telecommunications. In the last three months there has been a loss of 2,00 jobs with a loss of 11,700 jobs in telecommunications.

Janco reports some growth in the job market but it is sluggish

Changes in the number of net IT Jobs created or lost

In the last three (3) months the IT Job market shrank by 6,200 jobs. This chart is not the originally published one, rather it is updated with the current data based on the analysis by Janco Associates, Inc. For the latest IT Employment Data click here. Subscribe to our Newsletter to get this information delivered to your inbox as soon as it is released. SUBSCRIBE

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