COVID-19 Drives IT Sector to Shed Record Number of Jobs in April

112,000 job loss dashes hopes that enterprise IT would be a bright spot in an economy battered by the coronavirus pandemic

Janco Associates was quoted in the Wall Street Journal - CIO Journal section of the May 10, 2020 Print Edition and on-line posting.

"... analysis of the BLS's data by consulting firm Janco Associates Inc. put net job losses last month for IT workers at more than 100,000. Victor Janulaitis, the firm's chief executive officer, said many jobless enterprise-tech professionals are having trouble finding contract work."

IT Job Market Change - September 2024

IT Job Market grew by 4,400 jobs last month - lost 1,200 jobs YTD

YTD IT Job Market growth

Updated with the data from the BLS and Janco Associates Inc as of September 2024
Analysis shows that IT Job Market has shrunk by 48,600 jobs in 2023. In the first three (3) quarters of 2024, the IT job market shrank by 1,200 jobs.

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Historic IT Job Market Size - 4.19 Million Employed as IT Pros

Historic IT Job Market Size

This is not the original data that was published.
It has been updated with data complied by Janco Associates with data as of September 2024.

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Original Wall Street Journal Article May 10, 2020.