IT Job Market recovered from Pandemic - hiring at all time high

Recovery of IT Job Market at full swing - More organizations, since the start of the pandemic, are actively recruiting

Park City – – Janco reports 11,900 IT jobs added in June – BLS adjusts IT jobs up by 17.3K for prior months. 36.2K IT jobs created since April – 69K YTD and 165,300 more than last year at this time. Janco has reports that 2021 YTD job growth exceeds 2020 by 165,300 YTD. According to the latest BLS data analyzed by Janco here are now 3.67 million jobs for IT Professionals in the US.

The CEO of Janco Associates, Inc., Mr. M. Victor Janulaitis said, “There could be no better news for IT Professionals and current university IT graduates. More organizations, since the start of the pandemic, are actively recruiting. In some full employment states like Utah, there are many positions for IT pros open because of the lack of qualified candidates. Also, results for Janco’s Mid-Year IT Salary Survey show that IT salaries have begun to move up as demand is exceeding supply. Median Compensation for IT Pros is now over $96.6K. The greatest increases have been for IT executive management in large enterprises. That is not all, IT Pro are demanding increases in compensation and attrition rates are moving up as IT Pros look for better opportunities.”

The full analysis can be found at

IT Job Market Size Adjustments - Prior Two Months

BLS IT Job Market Adjustments

Before adjustments
IT job market status before BLS adjustments
After Adjustments
IT job market status after BLS adjustments

IT Job Market will have modest growth in CY 2024

There now are approximately 147K unemployed IT Professionals. The IT job market shrank by over 48,600 jobs in CY 2023. Overall that is a flattening of the long term growth rate pattern of IT job market. However, based on our data and forcast models, there will be modest growth in the IT Job Market of just under 22,900 new jobs added in the calandar year 2024.

IT Job Market Forecast

IT Pros unemployed

Number of Open Jobs for IT Prosa
Data complied and forecast updated by Janco Associates with data as of June 2024

NOTE: The graphic below is updated with each new IT Salary Survey. The chart compares the data from the period of the survey to prior period.

Latest Median IT Salaries

Latest Mean IT salaries
For the latest data go to the current IT Salary Survey

Janco is an international consulting firm that follows issues that concern CIOs and CFOs. The firm publishes a series of IT and business Infrastructure HandiGuides® and Templates including IT Infrastructure Policies and Procedures, Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity Template, Security Template, IT Job Descriptions, and its semi-annual IT Salary Survey.