Teleworkers will drive demand for IT Pros

Teleworkers will drive hiring of IT Pros over the next few quarters

Hiring of IT Pros will add 66K-70K net new jobs in 2023

(Park City UT – Janco Associates Inc. (–  Janco reports 44,900 IT jobs lost as major layoffs occurred and hiring new IT Pros ground to a halt. However, based on its analysis, Janco still forecasts over 66K net new IT jobs will be added to the IT Job Market in CY 2023.

In the US there are over 8.9 million enterprises that have any employees. In that population, the number of companies that have teleworkers has increased from 23% to 77%. That is a rise of over 4.6 million organizations that now have teleworkers in their workforce since before the pandemic. However there still are over 73% of the total workforce who rarely or never telework.Teleworkers drive demand for IT pros

The CEO of Janco, M. Victor Janulaitis said, “CIOs and the IT function now must support the infrastructure that those employees need to do their jobs. That not only includes the technology but also the support desk functions. The disproportionate increase in resource requirements is placing a strain and budgetary pressures that is impacting demand for IT professionals to support teleworkers.”

IT Job Market - October 2024 Forecast for the CY 2024


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IT Job Market Forecast
There has been a major shift in the creation of new IT Jobs - AI and economic slowing are the drivers.

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He added, “Currently over 95% of organizations with teleworkers expect them to continue to telework at the same rate for the foreseeable future. Driving this, many (40.5%) enterprises have had open positions that been unfilled for over 12 months. That being the case, there is not much incentive to eliminate positions that are hard to fill.”

The CEO said,” Over the long haul telework will be a fixture in the US labor market. CIOs and CFOs will need to support those workers and at the same time to add features and functions to core operational infrastructure. It is for this reason we feel the IT Job Market will continue to expand in the later part of 2023.”

Janco has just updated its IT Hiring Kit to reflect the requirements of teleworkers both inside IT and within enterprise operations (IT Hiring Kit -

Job Openings for IT Professionals

IT Job Market Openings

Openings for IT Professionals

A major pullback of the number of excess jobs for IT Pros occurred in the 4th quarter of 2022 and continued through last quarter of 2023 - economic slowing and resulting layoffs have impacted on number of unfilled jobs available for IT Professionals. In December the number of unfilled jobs for IT Professionals fell.

In September there were 98K unemployed IT Professionals with an IT Unemployment rate of 3.8%

Unemployed IT Professionals

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The CEO added, “According to the latest BLS data analyzed, there are now just over 4.18 million jobs for IT Professionals in the US. Layoffs at big tech companies are having an adverse short term impact on overall IT hiring. More CIOs are looking at a troubling economic climate and are evaluating the need for increased headcounts based on the technological requirements of their specific business operations.”
Janulaitis said, “Many of the issues faced by the economy are due to supply chain problems. If China opens, overall supply chains should improve but will take several months. That should lessen the recessionary pressures that are driving companies to reduce staff.”

Janco is an international consulting firm that follows issues that concern CIOs and CFOs. The firm publishes a series of IT and business Infrastructure HandiGuides® and Templates including IT Infrastructure Policies and Procedures, Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity Template, Security Template, IT Job Descriptions, and its semi-annual IT Salary Survey.

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