CIO Management and Planning Priorities
Budgeting and IT Governance focus for CIOs identified
2025 Edition of IT Management Tool Kit Released
CIOs and CTOs are in a constantly evolving field, however world class CIOs and CTOs focus to help them manage more effectively. They are:
- Technology
- People
- Infrastructure
- Succession Planning
Over 2,700 pages of "Best Practices", tips and techniques, policies, procedures, job descriptions, electronic forms and much more. Ready for immediate download.
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In a survey of 127 organizations Janco has identified CIO management and planning priorities that are the focus of budgeting and IT governance processes. Topping the list is security and data protection from hackers with 89% (113 out of 127 organizations surveyed) placing that as a top priority. That is followed closely by Blockchain, Distributed Ledger Technology, ERP, and Cloud process including cyber currency with 85% (108 out of 127).
Top 10 CIO Management and Planning Priorities
Change from what was originally published - Updated to the latest data
Survey conducted by Janco Associates, Inc. identified the the management and planning priorities that CIOs and CFOs have. CIOs and CFOs were asked to list and rank their top 5 management and planning priorities. 142 companies participated in the survey and included both large and mid-sized companies that had at least 150 professionals under their direct control. Most recent discusion of this can be found on the site. Use the search option to find topics.
Read On...
Staffing is a management priority for over 80% of all CIOs
With the improvement in the economic outlook, CIOs have been given the green light to expand their IT staffs and add the new skill sets necessary to successfully implement new operational systems like Blockchain and DLP along with move more data to the cloud. These new systems are driving the move towards mobile computing and identity protection solutions.
IT Governance is a focus of most CIOs
With the rapid development and deployment of the new technologies, standardization and integration with new and legacy systems. Access management is tied closely to the sensitivity of the information and data that is available users both internal and external to the enterprise. That in turn drives the requirement to meet mandated compliance - both domestic (CaCPA) and international (GDPR).
Tools needed by CIOs and HR professionals focused on IT staff
Janco has updated its CIO Management Tool Kit to address all of these management and priority needs.
The IT Management Tool Kit components are over 2,700 pages in length is provided in MS WORD and PDF formats and includes the following:
- Security Manual Template
- How to Guide for Cloud Processing and Outsourcing
- IT Job Family Classification HandiGuide
- Supply Chain Security Audit Program
- All of the Job Descriptions as individual MS Word files
- Interview and Hiring Guide
- Latest IT Salary Survey
- IT Infrastructure Policy Bundle plus Electronic Forms
- Business and IT Impact Questionnaire
- Vulnerability and Threat Assessment Tool
- Succession Planning Tool
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