Last chance to get a free copy of the IT Salary Survey

Participate by providing data and you will qualify for a free copy of the summary results of the survey -- Provide ten (10) data points and you will receive a free copy of the full study

IT Salary SurveyLast chance to get a free copy of the IT Salary Survey - Janco Associates, Inc. Mid Year Salary Survey is in the last data collection stage.

If you have not already provided data to us, you can still qualify to receive a free copy of the study if you provide us with data for just one position or the full study if you provide us with data for at least ten job position. The only qualifications that we need to be able to validate the data provided.

Janco and has conducted salary surveys of the IT Job market since 1989. The data from this survey has been published in the Computer Industry Almanac, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, eWeek, and many other business and industry publications.

In addition over the years it has been featured on CNN, the Wall Street Journal, and several national and international media outlets.

Sample IT and Job market news from the IT Employment News Feed

NOTE: the table below is updated automatically with the latest IT salaries when a new salary survey is published. That happens every January and June. The historical data is available.

Latest Median IT Salaries

Latest Mean IT salaries
For the latest data go to the current IT Salary Survey

Order Salary Survey  Download Sample  Provide Data

(Updated 8/2018)

The compensation for IT professionals over the past several years has been dampened by H-1B visa program and the move to outsource processing from enterprise in the U.S. In some cases the H-1B visa holders displaced U.S. workers while remaining on shore. In other case, the processing and maintenance of IT business functions was moved off-shore. We are now seeing pressure to minimize both of these. This in turn will put pressure on IT salary levels. In addition, there are now more jobs available than IT professions that can fill them,

Updated with the latest IT Job Market statistics

IT Job Market Growth Stalls

Recent IT Job Market size

For current analysis of this data, go IT Job Market Size to see the historic job market growth trend data
Data as of March 2025