Security Policies
CIO and CSO Security Best Practices

Security Manual Template - Over 250 pages - MS WORD

Delivered Electronically and update at least once every six months to meet the latest mandated requirement

CIO and CSO Security Best Practices - The top 10 network security management best practices if not followed expose a company's assets and reputation to unnecessary risk. The Security Manual Template defines all of them and much more.

Security Manual Template - Over 250 pages - MS WORD - The Security Manual is over 250 pages long and is packed full of best practices and tools like Janco's exclusive industry standard Security Management Compliance check list and 25 completed new and updated electronic forms that can be used immediately.

The entire template comes as an MS WORD file that can be customized with a minimal amount of effort. Some of the materials in the Security Manual Template are:

  • Best Practices Definition
  • 25 Electronic Forms including Electronic forms for:
    • Mobile Device Security and Compliance Checklist
    • Outsourcing and Cloud Security Compliance Agreement
    • Server Registration
    • Text Messaging and Sensitive Information Agreement
  • Meets all mandated government and international standard (GDPR) requirements
  • Supporting supplemental materials include
    • Business Impact Analysis Questionnaire
    • SOX Compliance Checklist
    • PCI Audit Program
    • Threat Assessment and Vulnerability Tool Kit

The Security Manual Template and the associated electronic forms are delivered electronically. There is an update service available for either 12 or 24 months. The standard template comes with an initial 3 months update subscription service.

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(Update 8/2018)

Security - Privacy - Compliance Management Issues

When dealing with cloud data and/or data that is accessed via the Internet, the enterprise must be aware of all mandated requirements for the location of the users who's data this is, the location where the cloud processing occurs, and the the location of the facilities and individuals who access that data. Each location may have different compliance requirement.

This offering is significantly impacted by mandated security and privacy requirements like GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and the CCPA (California Privacy Act). As privacy requirements are added, we will update this offering and all supporting policies / templates to be in full compliance.