IT Job DescriptionsSocial Media Specialist and Digital Brand Manager Job Descriptions Released

Janco Associates has just updated it inventory of IT Job descriptions addressing the digital and social network jobs that are hot

Social Media Specialist and Digital Brand Manager Job Descriptions Released - Janco Associates' has started it annual review process of IT roles and responabilities. The hot new jobs are Social Media Specialist and Digital Brand Managers.

Social Media Specialist

The Social Media Specialist manages the social network presence of the enterprise reputation and brand. The individual nurtures a growing audience of fans and followers. Through social media activities the social media specialist builds more brand awareness, consideration which ultimately should drive more revenue to the enterprise.

Read on Social Media Specialist Job Description  Order Social Media Specialist Job Description

Digital Brand Manager

The Digital Brand Manager is not only a brand and product line expert, but also a seasoned technology expert. The Digital Brand Managers is responsible for the adoption of social media technologies across the entire business. As with most top level technology and brand management titles, the responsibilities are set by the organization's C-Level executives.

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Over 331 Job Descriptions

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