Janco releases 2022 IT Management Tool Kit Addresses Shifting IT Priorities
IT Management Tool Kit provides solutions to the changing priorities of CIO and enterprise management
2025 Edition of IT Management Tool Kit Released
CIOs and CTOs are in a constantly evolving field, however world class CIOs and CTOs focus to help them manage more effectively. They are:
- Technology
- People
- Infrastructure
- Succession Planning
Over 2,700 pages of "Best Practices", tips and techniques, policies, procedures, job descriptions, electronic forms and much more. Ready for immediate download.
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Park City – UT– e-janco.com – 2022 Edition of Janco's IT Management Tool Kit released addresses shifting CIO management priorities. This is the one book that every IT manager and C-Level executive needs to have. Included with this release are all 2022 versions of IT infrastructure policies, job descriptions, interview and hiring guide, salary data, and more. The CEO of Janco, Mr. M. Victor Janulaitis said, "Companies and CIOs are moving rapidly to expand the role of IT in day-to-day operations. They have moved e-Commerce, security, social media engagement, and digital presentation to be top agenda items. That impacts the governance of Information Technology. This tool kit plays a key role in the governance model necessary to support this journey."
Top 10 CIO Management and Planning Priorities
Change from what was originally published - Updated to the latest data
Survey conducted by Janco Associates, Inc. identified the the management and planning priorities that CIOs and CFOs have. CIOs and CFOs were asked to list and rank their top 5 management and planning priorities. 142 companies participated in the survey and included both large and mid-sized companies that had at least 150 professionals under their direct control. Most recent discusion of this can be found on the site. Use the search option to find topics.
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Janulaitis said, "Included within this tool are detail policies and best practices for how IT infrastructure can be managed while meeting security and compliance requirements and providing the necessary service levels for internal and external users of the enterprise's digital-based infrastructure."
The 2022 version of the IT Management Tool Kit includes tools for IT's Management to manage the processes given the post-pandemic technology and enterprise operational environment. Every component of the tool kit has been reviewed and updated with the best practices and compliance requirements as a foundation. Included are: 2022 Editions of Interview/Hiring, Job Descriptions (331 Positions), Job Classification & Pay Grade system, Infrastructure Policies, and electronic forms, Security Template, Threat Assessment focused on Ransomware and WFT, how to use the Cloud/Outsourcing and much more.
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The CEO added, "We created the IT Management Tool Kit in concert with a number of Fortune 500 enterprises to help them better govern and manage their digital environment." In addition, he said, "Priorities for CIOs and CTOs are security & hacking, staffing (hiring and compensation, identity protection, access management, mobile computing, WFH, budget management, compliance, skills for new technologies, and data privacy, all of these are addressed in the IT Management Tool Kit."
All Janco's products are delivered electronically in ready-to-implement formats that are easily customizable by the user. Janulaitis said, "We have clients in over 100 countries that rely on our leading-edge products. We continue to be on the forefront of IT governance and infrastructure management as that is the strength of the firm. Over 2,400 companies have already selected one of Janco's templates to be the foundation for managing this complex operational discipline. "
Janco is an international consulting firm that follows issues that concern CIOs and CFOs. The firm publishes a series of IT and business Infrastructure HandiGuides® and Templates including IT Infrastructure Policies and Procedures, Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity Template, Security Template, IT Job Descriptions, and its semi-annual IT Salary Survey.