Budget Issues and Disaster Plan
During the last few months a number of enterprises have found that "cuts" made to respond to the economic downturn have impacted their ability to respond to business interruptions and disasters.
Every business, regardless of size, should have a the resources in place to execute a concise business continuity plan in the event of an unforeseen disaster. If you don't have the resources in place to execute a disaster recovery plan or haven't updated yours recently, there is no better time than now to take this critical step to protect your company's assets.
To help you ensure your disaster recovery plan is both bullet proof and current with the latest ISO 27000, HIPAA and Sarbanes-Oxley standards, we are offering our latest Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Template Pack.
Create or Update Your Disaster Recovery Plan and Validate That All the Necessary Resources are in Place to Execute That Plan
A thorough disaster recovery plan is essential to minimizing the damage that a natural or technological catastrophe inflicts on your business. For many IT professionals, the amount of time it takes to develop such a plan, and the complex process required to complete it, makes disaster recovery planning a daunting task.
The Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Template Pack provides a comprehensive, proven blue-print for disaster planning that is completely current with today's compliance and benchmark standards, including ISO 27000, HIPAA and Sarbanes-Oxley. Even if your company isn't governed by these compliance standards, it is in the best interest of your company to follow the best practices outlined in this kit.
The main template is an editable Microsoft Word document that steps you through all of the critical areas of disaster recovery. The wealth of information in this template alone can save you many weeks of research and analysis.
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Ready to Hire New Employees With the Interview and Hiring Guide
The Interview and Hiring Guide is just what you need to get ready to hire new employees as you business begins to grow again. IT is the essential tool that every manager and recruiter needs to quide them throuh the recruiting process. It lists specific questiont that should be asked and can not be asked to ensure a successful recruiting process.
The guide is now includled with the all additions of the IT Hring Kit. It comes in MS WORD and standard PDF format and includes a sample Interview Questionnaire form that is easily modifiable to meet your specific recruiting requirements.
Read on IT Hiring Kit Order IT Hiring Kit
Enterprises face data security breaches

- Laptop and mobile device theft is experienced by 50% of security professionals
- Every 50 seconds a laptop goes missing - and that is just at U.S. airports
- 85% of privacy and security professionals had at least one reportable breach in the past 12 months
- The cost of recovering from a single data breach now averages $6.3 million
- 66% of data breaches involved data the victim did not know was on the system.
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