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2011 Mid-Year IT Salary Survey Released
Our observations for the 2011 Mid-Year IT Compensation Study are as follow:
Overall IT compensation has remained flat for the last 12 months. The totalmean compensation for all IT Professionals has decreased modestly by 0.39% to $78,078 from $77,773 at the beginning of 2011. This puts overall compensation back at the levels they were at in January 2008.All levels of IT professionals continue to feel a salary crunch.
- Mid-sized enterprises are now starting to hire programmers, mid level infrastructure managers and supervisors as well as staff workers with salaries in this sector increasing slightly - Mean compensation is up bless than 1% since June of 2010.
- IT hiring is up - since January of 2011 55,500 IT jobs have been added in the United States according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
- Layoffs seem to have tapered off, however some companies continue to cut the size of the IT organizations.
- On shore outsourcing has peaked and companies are looking to bring IT operations back into their direct control and reduce operating costs.
- Cost reduction is still the rule of the day; however we have seen an increase in the number of “part-timers” and contractors who are focused on particular critical projects.
- Companies are continuing to reduce the benefits provided to IT professionals. Though benefits such as health care are available, IT professionals are now paying a greater portion of that cost.
- CIOs compensation is mixed over the last 12 months. The mean compensation for CIOs in large enterprises is now $175,363 (an increase of 2.05%) and $162,250 (a decrease of 0.59%) in mid-sized enterprises.
- Mean compensation across all IT professionals has increased by 0.39% (from $77,773 to $78, 078).
- In mid-sized enterprises, the mean total compensation for all positions has increased by 0.57% from $74,016 to $74,435.
- In large enterprises, the median compensation has risen slightly from $81,531 to $81,722.
Patriot Act Renewed - Patriot Act Security Bundle Now Available
Patriot Act Renewed - Patriot Act Security Bundle Now Available
The Patriot Act allows investigators to use the tools that were already available to investigate organized crime and drug trafficking. Many of the tools the Act provides to law enforcement to fight terrorism have been used for decades to fight organized crime and drug dealers, and have been reviewed and approved by the courts. As explained during the Senate floor debate about the Act, "the FBI could get a wiretap to investigate the mafia, but they could not get one to investigate terrorists. To put it bluntly, that was crazy! What's good for the mob should be good for terrorists."
The Patriot Act Security Bundle contains the Security Manual Template, the Disaster Recovery Plan Template, the Sensitive Information Policy, the Internet, E-mail & Electronic Communications Policy, the Internet and PC Workstation Policies and Procedures, and 3 Key Job Descriptions - Chief Security Officer (CSO) - Manager Internet - Intranet and Internet - Intranet Administrator.
Security Manual Template Updated to cover Mobile Device Access and Use
Janco has just updated its Security Manual Template to address issues faced by enterprises by defining acceptable access and use policies that can be implemented quickly . It addresses issues such as how to manage in today's threat driven environment.
Read on Order Security Manual Template Download sample
Record Classification, Management, Retention, and Destruction policy Updated
Template includes citation for federal and selected state record retention requirements
All business are required by law to keep confidential client information, as well as employee or company data for a minimum amount of time. There are numerous business records that should be held on to for a minimum of seven years, which can include employee agreements, business loan documentation, litigation records, as well as general expense reports and records including overhead expenses and professional consultation fees.
Other documents may be kept for shorter, longer or an indefinite period of time and it's important to know what legal requirements are enforced for your industry to not only stay compliant, but to also dispose of documents you may no longer need. Regularly maintaining filing cabinets and securely disposing of old documents can help minimize risk of sensitive information falling into the wrong hands. The risks of keeping old documents containing sensitive data can be high - resulting in identity theft, fraud and potential financial loss or reputation damage.
Read On Order Record Management Policy Download Selected Pages
Productivity and IT Infrastructure Tools
Janco with its clients has created a set of Infrastructure tools that every CIO and IT organization needs. With all of the increased security threats and newly mandated requirements why create from these policies and tools from scratch. Janco has just updated all of these tools to reflect the latest mandated requirements and technological implications.