Viva Lost Wage - Wages up last year

Viva Lost Wages - Wages up last year: According to a survey, salaries for IT pros jumped an average of $234 last year, or $19.50 a month. Now you can order imported beer instead of domestic, upgrade your cell phone plan, and play those nickel slots till you drop. Go crazy -- you deserve it.


IT Pros Hiring Plummets

Recession hits IT Hiring as for second month in a row as the unemployment rate for IT pros exceeds 5.5% (traditional definition of high unemployment).

Moving average of IT job market growth

Layoffs abound and there no longer is robust hiring trend for IT Professionals - the economy is slowing. However, there are a number of jobs unfilled by IT Pros. The primary culprit is the lack of qualified individuals to fill the open positions. In our opinion, the IT Job Market is currently at no growth!
Unfilled IT Jobs

IT Job Market Openings

The number of unfilled jobs trend line is down as the economy softens and CIOs and CFOs look to control costs and eliminate requisitions for positions that cannot be filled. There was a major pullback of the number of excess jobs for IT Pros - layoffs have impact on number of unfilled jobs available for IT Professionals.

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The current year's salary data is on the plus side.

Mean IT salaries
Updated with the latest data

Median salary for IT Professionals now is over $90,000.

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