Just Released - Pre-written e-Commerce Specialist Job Description
Just Released - Pre-written e-Commerce Specialist Job Description - M. Victor Janulaitis, today announced the publishing of a new pre-written job description, e-Commerce Specialist, targeting all companies involved in e-Commerce. This is the latest of over 200 Information Technology job descriptions the firm markets for a nominal fee on the company's web site.
The newly released e-Commerce Specialist description was written as a result of the demand from companies expanding their presence on the Internet. These comprehensive job descriptions save Human Resource and Recruiting personnel countless hours of research and writing as the pre-written job descriptions can be easily cut and pasted into recruitment ads and corporate manuals.
"Finding and keeping personnel who actually know and understand e-Commerce is vitally important; it is crucial to future of every organization", stated Janulaitis. "Our e-Commerce Specialist job description includes more information than just the role and experience requirements of the position. It includes information about how an e-Commerce Specialist relates to others in an organization and even the problems and challenges of the position".
The publishing of pre-written job descriptions is a result of the firm's twenty years of management consulting experience. The company also publishes several technology-related books under the HandiGuide™ title series including the Information Technology Position Description HandiGuide™.
e-Commerce, Wireless, and Internet Management Job Description Bundle
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