Download Sample Pages and Table of Contents
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Download Samples and Table of Contents Confirmation - Below are a set of links to samples of various Janco products. The links open an new window and let you download the table of contents and a few sample pages. If you would like to get more information after you have reviewed the sample you can contact us at support @
If you have any difficulty finding a particular offering you can contact us directly and we will point you in the right direction.
The samples are provided as PDF files. If you do not have a PDF reader you can obtain one at These documents are provided with the understanding that they remain the property of Janco Associates, Inc. and are not to be re-sold or re-distributed in any way without the expressed written permission of Janco
The various downloads are listed. Click on the link and a PDF version of the sample and/or table of contents will be downloaded.
* Signifies documents that are available as ePub (eReader) documents