Technology Acquisition Policy - Key IT Infrastructure Policy

IT Infrastructure component and key to managing overall technology implementation

Includes Updates with AI / ML considerations

Includes Vendor/Partner Questionnaire to meet DP/BC mandated requirements.

Technology Acquisition PolicyTechnology Acquisition Policy -The purpose of the Technology Acquisition policy is to establish guidelines for the acquisition of technology including hardware, software, computer-related components, and services purchased with enterprise funds. This policy sets the road map for how new and existing technology is implemented throughout the enterprise.

With the every increase in the technology devices, applications, and operating environments. The process to manage not only the acquisition but also the on-going maintenance costs and interface with the IT infrastructure and implication on the governance process are great. This is a necessary part of management control with a eye towards creativity.

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A major issue arose when several "events" occurred and scores of enterprises were faced with extended outages and tens of thousands of dollars were spent with little or no guidance as to how that was to be accomplished.

AI/ML Considerations included

Latest edition includes six (6) key job descriptions:

  1. Chief Artifical Intelligence Officer (CAIO)
  2. Chief Experience Officer (CXO)
  3. Manager Outsourcing
  4. Manager Contracts and Pricing
  5. Manager Vendor Management
  6. Contract Management Administrator

This policy covers the following enterprise technology resources:

  • Desktops, laptops, tablets,  SmartPhones/PDAs, cell phones, and servers
  • Best Practices for AI/ML acquisition and deployment
  • Cloud processing services
  • Backup and recovery services
  • Web-hosted services including blogs and websites


This policy extends to technical services, such as off-site disaster recovery solutions and ISPs, as well as professional services, such as consultants and legal professionals hired through the IT department. These include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Professionals or firms contracted for application development and maintenance
  • Consulting, legal or accounting professionals
  • Recruiting services
  • Training and HR services
  • Off-site collocation services
  • Disaster recovery services
  • Cloud services
  • Hosted telephone services
  • Telephone network services
  • Data network services

All hardware, software, or components purchased with enterprise funds are the property of the enterprise. This also includes all items purchased using a personal credit card or other methods for which the employee is later reimbursed.

Content Description

Technology Acquisition Policy is 9 pages in length. It contains everything that an enterprise needs to implement a functioning technology acquisition process. Included are forms defining the working environment in addition to a check list to validate that the off-site location complies with you safety requirements.

This policy comes in MS WORD, PDF, and ePub (eReader) formats. All of Janco's Policies are delivered electronically. In addition, they are reviewed and updated frequently to meet the latest compliance and industry standards. This policy is also available as part of the IT Infrastructure Policy Bundle which can be acquired with 12 or 24 months of update subscription service.

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