KPI Metrics for the Internet, IT, and Service Management

Work From Home (WFH) KPIs defined

Over 540 Objective Metrics Defined - 83 Graphical Metric Reports show over 240 metrics

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KPI Metrics including Work from Home  KPI MetricsKPI Metrics for the Internet, IT, and Service Management - ITSM - The CIOs biggest challenge is to justify staffing and spending levels as they strive to improve IT efficiency. When assessing comparative benchmarks, it is hard to know which metrics to start with. The Metrics for the Internet, Information Technology and Service Management HandiGuide helps CIOs to understand and pick the appropriate comparative benchmarks to justify staffing and spending, improving IT operations and demonstrating the value of IT to the business.

Defining Which Metrics to Use

Most IT metrics efforts lack relevance to the business and are not well linked to business outcomes. They tend to be IT focused, such as WAN availability or server downtime. It is difficult for the business to understand how these measures relate to its objectives, and they provide little insight into the value that IT delivers.

CIOs must create a scorecard and service level agreements that:

  • Relate to the enterprise and its management team. Server availability, network throughput, help desk call volumes, capacity utilization, and other IT operational metrics are not relevant to business executives. These types of metrics need to be translated into something enterprise management understands, such as availability of business applications or the cost to support a business area. The IT-operational metrics should be kept within IT unless they can be put in enterprise terms.
  • Relate to the enterprise strategic and tactical objectives. Enterprise executives are concerned with introducing new products and services, improving customer loyalty and satisfaction, increasing gross margins, and growing market share. IT metrics must be linked directly to these enterprise objectives, specifically demonstrating how IT initiatives contributed favorably to improving them.

MetricsEffective SLAs are extremely important to assure effective Information Technology operations. The metrics used to measure and manage performance to SLA commitments are the heart of a successful agreement and are a critical long term success factor. Lack of experience in the use and implementation of performance metrics causes problems for many organizations as they attempt to formulate their SLA strategies and select and set the metrics needed to support those strategies. Fortunately, while reaching for perfection is difficult and costly, most organizations can achieve their objectives through a carefully chosen set of simple-to-collect metrics. Hopefully, this paper provides some insights into the "whys" and "hows" of this selection process. The Metrics HandiGuide is the tool that can be used to accomplish that task.

At the heart of an effective Service Level Agreement (SLA) are performance metrics and they

  • Measure the right performance characteristics to ensure that the client is receiving its required level of service and the service provider is achieving an acceptable level of profitability
  • Can be easily collected with an appropriate level of detail but without costly overhead, and
  • Tie all commitments to reasonable, attainable performance levels so that "good" service can be easily differentiated from "bad" service, and giving the service provider a fair opportunity to satisfy its client.

Metrics Management can be ordered with update service

You can either order the the Metrics HandiGuide or you can get it with hundreds of pages of supporting material that is available with full update services.

Key Performance Indicator (KPI), Metrics, Quality, and Cost Control

A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a measurable value that demonstrates how effectively a company is achieving key business objectives. Organizations use KPIs to evaluate their success at reaching targets

The quality of IT systems and applications is driven by what is measured, the quality control infrastructure/processes, including version control, that is implemented at the enterprise. Janco, with its clients, has created KPI, QA, and QC infrastructure tools, which when implemented, assist CIOs and IT organizations to become world class providers of services to their enterprises and customers.

Options for purchasing KPI Metrics HandiGuide

KPI Metrics Purchase Options

Cost control tools available in special offer bundles

Controlling costs is a daily struggle. We are the number one provider of cost control tools to help CIOs and IT managers to win the battle of the budget.

KPI Metrics HandiGuide


  • Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Metrics HandiGuide is over 300 pages. Work From Home KPIs defined and added to the original 540 objective metrics, and contains 83 Metric reports that show over 220 objective metrics. An Adobe PDF document with electronic bookmarks. ITIL and ISO 20000 Compliant.

  • Update Service Available

KPI Metrics Service Management - Standard Edition - Cost Control - Productivity Management


  • KPI Metrics HandiGuide

  • IT Service Management Policy Template (Word) is an 126 page document that contains standards, policies and procedures, metrics and service level agreement for the help desk, change control, service requests, blog / personal web site, and travel and off-site meetings. It also contains a Change Request Form, Business and IT Impact Questionnaire, and an Internet Use Approval Form.

  • Update Service Available

KPI Metrics Service Management Cost Control - Silver Edition


  • KPI Metrics HandiGuide

  • IT Service Management Policy Template

  • Service Level Agreement Policy Template (Word/PDF) defines a three tier environment and specific SLAs metrics that are both internally and externally focused. The sample contain over 70 metrics presented graphically in PDF format.

  • Update Service Available

KPI Metrics Service Level Mangement and IT Cost Control - Gold Edition


  • KPI Metrics HandiGuide

  • IT Service Management Policy Template

  • Service Level Agreement Policy Template

  • KPI Metrics, Service Level Agreement (SLA) and Outsourcing Job Description Bundle includes 22 full job descriptions in WORD and PDF formats. They are: Chief Data Officer, Chief Experience OLfficer, VP Administration, VP Strategy and Architecture, Digtal Brand Manager, Director IT Management and Control, Manager Contracts and Pricing, Manager Controller, Manager KPI Metrics, Manager Metrics, Manager Outsourcing, Manager Service Level Reporting, Manager Social Networking, Manager Vendor Management, Key Performance Indicator Analyst, Metrics Measurement Analyst, Quality Measurement Analyst, SEO Specialist, System Administrator Linux, System Administrator Unix, System Administrator Windows, and WiFi Network Administrator

  • Update Service Available

KPI Metrics IT Service Level Management and IT Cost Control - Platinum Edition


  • KPI Metrics HandiGuide

  • IT Service Management Policy Template

  • Service Level Agreement Policy Template

  • Metrics, Service Level Agreement (SLA) and Outsourcing Job Description Bundle

  • Internet and IT Job Descriptions as individual files in Word formats. Long file names have been used to make customization easier.

  • Latest IT Salary Survey for 73 positions in all major metro areas in the US and Canada.

  • Update Service Available

Update Service


The investment that you have made is acquiring this bundle can easily be protected with the the 12 or 24 month update service.

With the update service you will be automatically notified when any of the products that you have ordered are updated. Using your credentials you will be able to down load the update immediately.

Information Technology Cost Control

The Metrics for the Internet, Information Technology and Service Management HandiGuide is over 300 pages, defines 540 objective metrics, and contains 83 metric reports that show over 240 objective metrics.

CIO & CTO Imporovement Opportunities

Operational Improvement Opportunities as defined by

The metrics cover all areas of the Internet, Information Technology, and Service Management -- including WIRELESS metrics which in turn includes mobile broadband specifications. In addition, there are industry specific examples for financial services, distribution, manufacturing, education, entertainment, government, hospitality, insurance, medical, real estate and retail.

  • Organizational responsibilities defined
  • Metric process, design, and definition of 540 specific objective metrics
  • 83 sample metric reports - includes over 240 of 540 objective metrics
  • Graphic data presentation rules
  • A full metric report package is defined - a template you can use right away
  • Wireless metrics examples are featured
  • Updated to comply with Sarbanes-Oxley

Sample Metrics Reports in Graphic Format

IT Performance MetricsIT Performance Metrics

IT Performance MetricsIT Performance Metrics

Click on the individual images above to to enlarge

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