Top 10 Mobile Device Security Best Practices

In many business there now are more BYOD and WYOD devices than people. In many cases they can access and alter critical enterprise data
Security is a key concern as protection of enterprise digital assets is the focus of many C-Level executives
With the move towards more mobile and office site computing users are challenged to keep their BYOD device safe and secure.
The list below should be followed to ensure that the data and electronic assets of the enterprise are protected to their fullest. Note that the Security Manual template address all of these issues and is used by over 3,000 enterprises world wide.
- Purchase mobile devices only from suppliers who release patches quickly.
- Implement the locking feature on the device
- Utilize applications on the device from the vendor (Apple or Google) application store
- When possible utilize two-factor authentication
- Use device encryption
- Connect to WiFi via a Virtual Private Network (VPN)
- Utilize a Password management system
- Utilize anti-virus software
- Turn off inactive features like connections that are not used
- If you don't use an application, uninstall it.
Now as the enterprise's user population implements these 10 best practices, they will have gone a long way to minimize the risk from hacker attacks as well as eliminate key threats that mobile user face.
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Mobile Device Policy
As the traditional enterprise boundaries begin to fade, it is paramount that mobile devices and the sensitive information they contain be managed and protected. As a result, security perimeters must also expand beyond the internal network to these numerous critical endpoints.
Mobile Device Access and Use Policy - Every organization needs to identify and develop mobile security policies to be deployed which will provide adequate protection. The level of protection has to be aligned with the level of risk that your organization is willing to accept. These policies should ensure that the many regulatory or compliance concerns that might be applicable are addressed. The mobile security policy should be integrated within your overall information security policy framework.
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The policies that Janco has created are a must have that every enterprise needs. They can all be accessed by going to the Policy Master Page (more information on individual policies) or the individual policies can accessed directly by going to the menu items at the top of this page.