IT Cost Control Metrics
IT Service Management
Service Level Agreements
Over 540 Objective Metrics Defined Measuring Information Technology's Value - Maximizing the Cost Effectiveness of IT and Service Delivery Investment
IT Cost Control -- Metrics ITSM SLA - Delivering quality IT service and measuring IT's performance cost effectively is a difficult and time consuming exercise. Many enterprises believe that they do not have the time, money, or resources to initiate and monitor the necessary processes. However, enterprises cannot determine how much something is worth unless its value can be quantified. It is a necessity of the new economy that every business unit needs to demonstrate its worth while meeting necessary service objectives.
- In many organizations less than 10% of the IT budget is actually spent on initiatives and IT Service Management (ITSM) that bring value to the enterprise.
- It is not a question of how much is invested in computer systems but the effectiveness of the spending and the service levels provided.
- Focusing the ways that IT is measured (Metrics) on an enterprise's value drivers improves competitiveness.
- ROI/TCO type measurements should not be used in isolation because they ignore elements such as service levels provided, risk and IT capability.
- IT investment must be measured not only at the inception of initiatives but also throughout the project life cycle and service delivery process.
Cost control tools available in special offer bundles
Controlling costs is a daily struggle. We are the number one provider of cost control tools to help CIO and IT managers to win the battle of the budget. You can start with just the HandiGuide or add Service Level Metrics or even create an organization with job descriptions that are geared towards cost control with a focus on IT Service Management.
Information Technology Cost Control
An inordinate amount of IT executive time seems to be expended on measuring and controlling costs rather than focusing resources on IT service and initiatives that will add value to the enterprise, probably because costs are easy to identify and quantify. This is unfortunate as there is a strong correlation between the knowledge growth of an enterprise and its market valuation. It is becoming increasingly important for IT management to ensure that measurement mechanisms are put in place to identify intangible assets such as brand, organization culture, customer loyalty, innovation, knowledge management systems, and the value of staff knowledge.
This set of tools defines the IT infrastructure necessary to provide cost effective IT services. Janco Associates has found that failure to have metrics and service level agreements in place IT organizations are more prone to failure. Metrics are absolutely essential
Metrics for the Internet, Information Technology and Service Management
Order KPI Metrics Download Selected KPI Metrics Pages
The Metrics for the Internet and Information Technology HandiGuide is over 300 pages, defines 540 objective metrics, and contains 83 metric reports that show over 240 objective metrics.
The metrics cover all areas of the Internet and Information Technology -- including WIRELESS. In addition, there are industry specific examples for financial services, distribution, manufacturing, education, entertainment, government, hospitality, insurance, medical, real estate and retail.
ITIL and ISO 20000 compliant with a focus on Service Management.
The features of the Metrics Handiguide are:
- Definition of organizational responsibilities
- Specific metric process, design, and definition of 540 specific objective metrics
- 83 sample metric reports - includes over 240 of 540 objective metrics
- Graphic data presentation rules
- A full metric report package defined - a template you can use right away
- Wireless metrics examples are featured
- Fully Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA, ITIL, and ISO compliant
IT Service Management Template
The IT Service Management Policy Template is an 88 page document that contains policies, standards, procedures and metrics. Chapters of the template include: Service Requests Policy; Help Desk Policy; Help Desk Standards; Help Desk Procedures; Help Desk Service Level Agreement; Change Control Standard; Change Control Quality Assurance Standard; Change Control Management Workbook; Documentation Standard; Application Version Control Standard; Version Control Standard; Internet, e-mail and Electronic Communication Policy; Blog & Personal Web Site Policy; and Travel and Off-Site Meeting Policy.
Order ITSM Template Download ITSM TOC
Service Level Agreement and Metrics
Service Level Agreement Policy Template is a nine page policy for a single application which is easily cloned, It defines specific SLAs and metrics that are both internally and externally focused. The sample contain over 70 possible metrics presented graphically in PDF format.
Order SLA Policy and Metrics Download Sample SLA and Metrics
The Metrics, Service Level Agreement (SLA) & Outsourcing Job Description Bundle contains full multi-page job descriptions in word format for the VP Administration, VP Strategy and Architecture, Director IT Management and Control, Manager Contracts and Pricing, Manager Controller, Manager Metrics, Manager Outsourcing, Manager Service Level Reporting, Metrics Measurement Analyst, Quality Measurement Analyst, System Administrator Unix, and System Administrator Windows.