Median Salary for IT Pros now over $93,000 according to Janco's IT Salary Survey
Demand is high for qualified IT Professionals - Salaries are moving up
Park City – UT – Janco Associates Inc. has just released its IT Salary Survey and reports that the median salary for all IT professionals now is $93,077.
NOTE: The graphic below is updated with each new IT Salary Survey. The chart compares the data from the period of the survey to prior period.
Latest Median IT Salaries
For the latest data go to the current IT Salary Survey
IT salaries on a year-to-year comparison have risen 2.92%. The CEO of Janco Associates, Inc., Mr. M. Victor Janulaitis said, "The economic picture has created a positive outlook for job growth in general and Information Technology in particular. However, we are now seeing both an increase in attrition rates within the IT function and many positions that remain unfilled because qualified candidates cannot be found. This is causing CIOs and HR department to re-think both existing salary pay rates and the salaries that are being offered to potential employees."
Read on Salary Survey Order Salary Survey Download Summary
The ten major findings from the salary survey are:
- In the last 12 months compensation for IT executives have fared better in large companies than mid-size companies with increases that were 3.89% versus 2.84%;
- Between the start of 2018 and the start of 2019, the total mean compensation for all IT Professionals increased from $90,439 to $93,077;
- In large enterprises, the median compensation rose 3.42% from $93,669 to $96,875;
- Over 80,000 net new jobs were created in the past 12 months for IT Professionals;
- Some markets like the SF Bay Area, Boston Metro, and Salt Lake areas are suffering significant shortages of qualified IT professionals;
- Technology centers like San Francisco (Bay Area), Chicago, Atlanta, District of Columbia, New York and Washington State continued to lead the way in new IT job creation;
- Median CIO tenure has fallen by two months to 4 years and 5 months as retirements of baby boomers continue;
- Large organizations are planning to beef up their middle management as those enterprises focus on Big Data, Blockchain, SEO and Smartphone and tablet connectivity;
- Positions in highest demand are associated with e-commerce, application development security, big data, distributed/mobile system project management, and quality control; and,
- Onshore outsourcing and H-1B visa jobs have peaked. The America first campaign has resulted in more infrastructure functions being moved in-house.
The CEO of Janco added, "CIOs are now more optimistic about the direction their organizations are moving and are looking forward to increased budgets and staffing. However, with the improved employment opportunities they are facing challenges in both compensation levels paid and promotion opportunities for existing staff. Some have already experienced the loss of highly qualified IT pros who have moved on and increased the attrition rate for IT Pros."
Updated with the latest IT Salary Survey Data see IT Salary Survey post pandemic
Read on Salary Survey Order Salary Survey Download Summary
The 2019 IT Salary Survey is available via electronic distribution either as a standalone product or with the IT Hiring Kit which contains the IT salary survey, Interview and Hiring Guide, and a full set of 2019 IT Job Descriptions
Read on IT Hiring Kit Order IT Hiring Kit
Janco is an international consulting firm that follows issues that concern CIOs and CFOs. The firm publishes a series of IT and business Infrastructure HandiGuides® and Templates including IT Infrastructure Policies and Procedures, Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity Template, Security Template, IT Job Descriptions, and its semi-annual IT Salary Survey.