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Security, Disaster Planning, ITSM, Metrics, and Salary Survey

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  • Top 10 Causes of Security Shortfalls

    Information Technology News Protal

    Security Manual Template Defines Best Practices

    one out of ten CIOs and CFOs feel they do not have an adequate security strategy in place and are reactive when an incident does occur. The top 10 reasons for security shortfalls are:

    1. Insufficient funding for security
    2. Lack of commitment by senior executive management
    3. Lack of leadership in the security arena by the CIO
    4. Belief that the organization will not be targeted
    5. Lack of internal resources who are "security" experts
    6. Lack of an effective IT security strategy
    7. Lack of an action plan on how to implement a solution before an event
    8. Infrastructure for IT that does not easily lend itself to security implementation including complex and disjointed applications and data
    9. No central focus with the enterprise that focuses on security
    10. Lack of a good termination policy for employees and contractors

    Janco reviewed of over 200 incidents found the frequency of these types of breach losses:

    Types of Losses Due to Security Shotfalls

    Order Security Security Audit Program Download Selected Pages

    - Top 10 Causes of Security Shortfalls

    49 million customers face Dell data Breach

    Security Policies and Procedures - First Step in Data Breach Protection

    Data breaches will happen. Security and data breach protection are  a never-ending process and that no CIO or CSO can claim that their data is completely secure.

    The sheer number of data breaches reported this year alone has led to security experts dubbing this year as the "Year of the Hack. " What's an organization to do when the major technology companies are admitting they have been breached? With sophisticated malware, advanced attacks and sneaky insiders, security seems like an unattainable goal. Security is everyone's responsibility, from the board of directors, c-level executives such as the CEO, CIO, CFO, down to the front-line employees who actually work daily with sensitive information.

    Dell Breach

    The stolen data consists of about 7 million individual/personal purchase data, with 11 line items of consumer segment company data.

    The impacted database contained entries from enterprise clients, partners, educational, institutions, and other entries. A hacker has posted the data is up for sale to a single buyer for an undisclosed amount.

    There were implications in the post that the data might also consist of some sensitive information. "I don't have email/phone for this 49 million but I do have email & phone number of some several thousand other customers. All recent", the hacker posted.

    Order Security Manual Template Download Sample

    - 49 million customers face Dell data Breach

    2024 Edition of Outsourcing and Cloud-Based File Sharing Policy Released

    Includes seven full job descriptions and four electronic forms

    Policy - Outsouring & Cloud-Based File SharingOutsourcing and Cloud-Based File Sharing do not remove the enterprise’s requirement to manage the process or the data.  Even a comprehensive outsourcing and cloud-based file-sharing arrangement requires Service Level Agreement (SLA) monitoring and redefinition, as well as strategic management and other retained functions. The policy address these issues as well as proving a basse to prevent costly cyber attacks.

    Cyber attacks rose by over 30% in 2023.  Global Threat report by Crowdstrike reported the types of attacks were

    • Cloud-conscious attacks up by 110%
    • Cloud environment inclusions up by 75%
    • Number of victims named on eCrime leak /sites 76% on year-to-year analysis
    • The number of attacks that had ransomware focus  up by 84%

    They also reported that the problem was not malware rather there was an increase in the number of attackers.  Some were state-sponsored and others originated in countries that were not averse to providing cover for the attackers as 61% of attackers targeted the US and 11% targeted Europe.

    Countries that were sources of those attacks were Russia, China, North Korea, Syria, Iran, Pakistan, Georgia, Columbia, and Turkey.

    Order Outsourcing and Cloud Policy  Download Selected Pages


    - 2024 Edition of Outsourcing and Cloud-Based File Sharing Policy Released

    Not a good idea to depend on Tech Giants Products

    Tech Giants cannot be depended on rather IT Infrastructure Policies and Procedures are the solution

    Companies need to depend on thier own infrastructureTech Giants will create new products that are linked to thier infratructure and if they do not create enough value, they will just abandon them.  For example, Google is killing off Inbox, its experimental email app that's lived alongside Gmail for the past four years. The service is set to shut down for good this coming March.

    When Inbox was announced in October of 2014, Google described it as something that was years in the making and a completely different type of inbox, designed to focus on what really matters.They also said it was designed for the problems we're going to see in the next 10 years. The company is sending the app away to its increasingly crowded virtual graveyard.

    Companies and individuals need to depend on thier own infrastructure.

    Read On Infrastructure Policies

    - Not a good idea to depend on Tech Giants Products

    AI Impacts Disaster Recovery / Business Continuity - Security

    Experts Agree AI Impacts DRP/BCP and Security Plans

    AI and DRP/BCP - SecurityAI now had been added to the processes driving comprehensive disaster recovery planning and security protection.  AI is now being used in the implementation of comprehensive storage and data protection. Protecting vital business data is a necessity. This is where investment with AI in disaster recovery is critical and where different on-premises and off-premises solutions can be applied.

    Too many companies have found out the hard way that their most valuable assets are exposed and vulnerable to hacker attracts, theft and destruction when they have to activate the DRP/BCP. This is where AI can be utilized to minimized that risk.

    Read on DRP BCP Security Order DRP BCP Security Bundle 

    - AI Impacts Disaster Recovery / Business Continuity - Security