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Big Tech firms continue pruning staff

The website is a resource site for Information Technology management.

Google continues to lay off staff - Cloud Services Impacted

Google has conducted multiple layoffs this year - and the slow burn is intentional. Google CEO Sundar Pichai  the company is "taking the time to do it correctly and well."  In the meantime, employees are starting to look over their shoulders as over 100 IT pros in the Cloud group were let go.  That even include a new hire who was in new employee orientation program. 

IT Job Market has slow growth

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Cyberattackers use AI to increase attacks

More companies have faced ransomware attacks as cyberattacks are AI generated

There has been an increase in AI-generated phishing attempts and other cyberattacks. To get the base of knowledge, attackers may have electronically read scores of press releases, company correspondence to customers, and other CSR data from companies to get the right mix for their attacks. That has significantly improved the generative AI used to base their attacks.

AI used to generate cyber attacks

A human-crafted phishing email takes an average of 16 hours to create. By comparison, AI can generate deceptive “high-quality” phish in a few minutes.

This is increasing the number of ransomware attacks.  Attacks hit record highs in 2023 despite falling payment rates, as attackers scaled up the number of attacks and new AI weapons were brought to bear on both sides of the war, promising to make an even bigger impact this year.

Ransomware payments were over $1.1 billion in 2023 or twice what they were in 2022. The frequency, scope, and volume of attacks were all up in 2023. Also, the number of independent groups conducting the attacks increased dramatically, according to one research firm.

The size of each payment is up, with more than 70% of all payments totaling $1 million or more. However, more companies are refusing to pay ransoms and restore from backups. It is estimated that just under 30% of victims paid up in the fourth quarter of 2023,  down from 85% in 2019. This data comes from the insurance industry.

Read on Order Security Manual Template 

Cyber Attacks on the rise

Cyber Attacks increased in 2023 and trend continues in 2024

Data breaches, malware attacks, and mandated requirements are an everyday issue for organizations as the move towards e-commerce and Blockchain architecture. With all of the additional demands this places on the technology processing functions, C-level executives are demanding that the CIO, CISO, and CTO have in place tools to address these compliance and security issues.

Cyber attacks rose by over 30% in 2023.  Global Threat report by Crowdstrike reported the types of attacks were

  • Cloud-conscious attacks up by 110%
  • Cloud environment inclusions up by 75%
  • Number of victims named on eCrime leak /sites 76% on year-to-year analysis
  • The number of attacks that had ransomware focus  up by 84%

They also reported that the problem was not malware rather there was an increase in the number of attackers.  Some were state-sponsored and others originated in countries that were not averse to providing cover for the attackers as 61% of attackers were against the US and 11%  to Europe.

Countries that were sources of those attacks were Russia, China, North Korea, Syria, Iran, Pakistan, Georgia, Columbia, and Turkey.

Janco’s Security Manual template and Compliance Management Tool Kit provide solutions and methods of protection.

Protecting Enterprise from Cyber Attacks

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AI Managers and technoligists are in Demand

KPI Metrics Key for Artificial Intelligence Managers

Manager AI Job DescriptionIT decision-makers are optimistic about the potential benefits of infusing enterprise applications with generative AI. This is driing the demand for executives and managers who have direct AI experience.

Almost 90% of all CIOs and CTOs have either implemented AI and generative AI technologies in their organizations, have plans to, or are actively researching them. Enterprises are looking to AI to boost productivity and innovation, and one-third of organizations with an interest in the technology have hired or are looking for a chief AI officer.

Over 3/4 of all CIOs are preparing for the arrival of generative AI in a number of ways, with 57% identifying use cases, 45% starting pilot programs, 41% training or upskilling employees on it, 40% establishing policies and guidelines.

One third of CIO's interviewed by Janco already have generative AI tools in users' hands, and may others say they are testing apps from vendor partners.

Read On AI Manager Order Manager AI Job Description

Artificial Intelligence IT Pros Salaries over $100K

Managers with AI Expertise command six figure salaries

Experienced Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning IT Professionals are in high demand. Salaries for those professionals are well into the low six figures.   Salaries for management positions with AI skills are in the $150K to $250K range. Experienced managers and developers are getting offers in the $125K to $165K range.

AI Salaries

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