News for Disaster Recovery Planning and Business Continuity Planning
DR/BC is a process that needs to be updated
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Summay of DR/BC News
Business continuity management template has been used by over 3,000 organizations worldwide
DRP Made Simple
Disaster Recovery / Business Continuity and Security Templates Released is the must have tool
Business continuity management template
Many organizations will have a business continuity management policy for ensuring that the business can recover from a severely disruptive incident. An effective policy clearly defines the roles and responsibilities for those responsible for its oversight and implementation and the minimum requirements for compliance, including levels of IT resilience to disruption and disaster recovery capabilities. The DR template does that
The Janco DR Template is well designed and defined policy only needs to be supported by effective and tested procedures and arrangements to enable the organization to respond to, continue through and come out of any incident that may severely disrupt its ability to provide the normal level of service to its customers and stakeholders. These procedures and arrangements are the basis of the the Disaster Recovery Business Continuity Template.
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- Business continuity management template has been used by over 3,000 organizations worldwide
Few Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plans are perfect
DR/BC recovery plans need to be reviewed
Janco has identified the primary reasons that DR/BC plans fail
- Few Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plans are perfect
- Material error in Plan
- Plan not up to date
- Unable to find password
- Insufficient training
- Security blocked implementation
- Insufficient backup power
- Network missing / failure
- Plan did not cover ransomware attack
- Plan not documented
- Recovery priorities not identified
- Event not identified (in time)
- Recovery step not documented
DRP Best Practices
DRP Best Practices get disaster recovery and business continuity plsnning under control
- Have management communicate that disaster recovery importance
- Integrated DRP process into the organization culture
- Allocate costs associated as part of the base overhead so that costs are distributed across the entire organization
- Make disaster recovery and business continuity "mission critical"
- Establish KPI metrics for DRP
- Test the plan freequently
- Monitor how other enterprises are faring after and event occurs
- Quarterly review you media communication protocol
- Pool your assets and personnel to provide resilience capabilities for interconnected systems or collaborative technologies
- Test the back-ups (at least quarterly)
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- DRP Best Practices
AI and Big Data will make DR and BC more complex
Risk Assessment in the AI - MML world for DR BC will be more complex
As AI and LLM take hold enterprise's will store data than ever before - first and third party, structured and unstructured - via the cloud, Advanced companies will set themselves apart by becoming more sophisticated in their ability to store, query, derive, and stitch together insights at scale from these data.
The promise of AI and LLM is to lower cost, increase efficiency and conserve cash has increased the motivation of companies to turn to Cloud data storage and increased the appeal of alternative delivery models. The disruptive shifts in new demand and supply patterns drives changes for how IT services are bought and from whom. Cloud computing requirements need to be well defined.
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- AI and Big Data will make DR and BC more complex
Ransomware threat to DR/BC implementations
Experts Agree Ransomware is a threat to DR/BC implementations
Ransomware keeps evolving, and MegaCortex is the latest version keeping IT teams up at night.
This Adaptive Ransomware Attack (ARA) combines advanced automation with real-time human response: hackers adapt their tools and techniques on the fly to get round your defense
Security is a critical concern during the recovery process - Disaster Recovery Business Cotinuity and Security Templates
Both the Security Manual and Disaster Recovery / Business continuity templates have been updated to take into account new International compliance (GDPR) and ransomware compliance requirements.
- Ransomware threat to DR/BC implementations