IT Job Market to Expand by 100,000 new jobs in 2020 according to Janco

Growth in IT job market continues unabated as economy continues to boom

Park City UT –Park City UT - Janco - - Based on interviews of 157 C-Level executives and Janco's IT Job Market Model, the firm forecasts that 100,000 net new IT jobs will be created in the calendar year 2020. This will there will be a continued erosion in the number of jobs in telecommunications due to AI implementations and merger consolidations.

IT job market segmentation

Historic IT Hob Market growth 2011 to 2019

Current IT Hiring Plans - IT Job Hiring Stalls - 6.0% Unemployment Rate for IT Pros

Future IT Hiring Trends by CIOs

With the move towards Artificial Intelligence, the treat of an economic downturn, inflation, high energy cost, and the continued wars will continue dampen hiring for IT pros over the next few quarters. Subscribe to our Newsletter to get this information delivered to your inbox as soon as it is released. SUBSCRIBE

The CEO of Janco Associates, Inc., Mr. M. Victor Janulaitis said, “Demand for IT professionals is at an all time high. At the same time, baby boomers are retiring and the median age of IT professional is falling.” He added, “There are four driving forces: Technology's expansion with AI and Blockchain, Data Capture and Surveillance/ monitoring expansion, nationalization of applications similar to the US and the UK, and stewardship impact expansion. These forces are changing the way business and consumers interact.”

Janco identified and defined the driving forces that will generate the 100,000 new jobs in 2020.:

  • Tech Expansion - New technologies are growing at an ever-expanding rate. Everything from AI/Robotics, comsumeration of 3D printing, expansion of social media into every facet of the e-commerce market, and common place Blockchain deployments. This will drive demand for software and application developers, AI/Robotics designers and implementers, digital transformation specialists, and technology base public relations experts.
  • Data Capture and Surveillance Expansion – With more AI/Robotics implementations and IoT devices that can monitor and record everything, the drive to process and access data of all types will push the limits of how and why data is processed, analyzed and used. This will drive demand for security and privacy professionals, data analysts, AI/Robotics experts, SEO specialists and reputation mangers.
  • Nationalization Expansion – With the nations first direction driven by BREXIT and America First, there will be more emphasis on national solutions to technology issues. Funding will be less available for activities the go cross border. Rather emphasis will be integration versus standardization. Demand will be for big data specialists, application integrators, Blockchain and e-commerce coordinators. More countries will look for ways to disconnect from the international Internet to one that is controlled nationally.
  • Stewardship Impact Expansion – With the scope and breath of tech expansion, there will be a rise in the impact analysis of technology on infrastructure, environment, and positive and negative implications on society. Everything from climate change to privacy intrusions will have an impact on deployment and design of applications, data capture, security, and norms of social acceptance. This demand will extend beyond IT professionals into the broader spectrum of all enterprises and public policies and cultural direction.

The CEO said, “Compliance will be more of an issue in 2020 than this year with the new CCPA mandates that went into effect on January 1, 2020. One other factor is the move towards "Blockchain and DLT technology. To that end, Janco released a major update to its Compliance Management Kit and a new "Blockchain Job Description Bundle last week. We believe that many of the new positions created in 2020 will be driven by both compliance mandates and new applications.”

The CEO said, “With the high demand for IT Pros, the career opportunities outlook for IT professionals continues to be bright. Over the long term, we feel that more individuals will look at IT concentrations at the university level. Also, professional trade schools will be able to expand the scope of their training and certification programs. The risk that companies face will be how to validate the qualifications of new entrants into the IT job market as IT Pros.”

Janco is an international consulting firm that follows issues that concern CIOs and CFOs. The firm publishes a series of IT and business Infrastructure HandiGuides® and Templates including IT Infrastructure Policies and Procedures, Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity Template, Security Template, IT Job Descriptions, and its semi-annual IT Salary Survey.