Disaster Recovery Template

Disaster Recovery Planning and Business Contiuity Planning DRP Sample DRP Template Disaster Recovery Plan TemplateISO 27000, SOX, PCI-DSS & HIPAA Compliant

The Standard for Disaster Recovery - Over 3,000 Companies World Wide have chosen this DRP/BCP Template

DRP Customers     

In most organizations, DR is the quintessential complex, unfamiliar task. Disasters happen so rarely that recovery operations are the opposite of routine. What's more the myriad, interconnected data, application and other resources that must be recovered after a disaster make recovery an exceptionally difficult and error-prone effort. Even if you have never built a DR plan before, you can achieve great results. Just follow the DR Template that Janco has created and you will have a functioning plan before you know it.

When it comes to disaster recovery, rapidly growing data volumes, distributed computing models, and new technologies all combine to present an ever-changing playing field. Safe recovery distances can also mean painfully slow replication and backup across the WAN in addition to the costs to accomplish this.

Janco's "Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Template" leads the way to implementation of the latest disaster recovery technologies and cost savings strategies. Enterprise of all sizes can build a functional disaster recovery plan with this tool and make your own disaster recovery efforts more efficient.

Disaster Recovery is the process an organization uses to recover access to their software, data, and/or hardware that are needed to resume the performance of normal, critical business functions after the event of either a natural disaster or a disaster caused by humans. While Disaster Recovery plans, or DRPs, often focus on bridging the gap where data, software, or hardware have been damaged or lost, one cannot forget the vital element of manpower that composes much of any organization. A building fire might predominantly affect vital data storage; whereas an epidemic illness is more likely to have an affect on staffing. Both types of disaster need to be considered when creating a DR Plan. Thus, organizations should include in their DRPs contingencies for how they will cope with the sudden and/or unexpected loss of key personnel as well as how to recover their data.

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All plans need to encompass how employees will communicate, where they will go and how they will keep doing their jobs. The details can vary greatly, depending on the size and scope of a company and the way it does business. For some businesses, issues such as supply chain logistics are most crucial and are the focus on the plan. For others, information technology may play a more pivotal role, and the plan may have more of a focus on systems recovery.

But the critical point is that neither element can be ignored, and physical, IT and human resources plans cannot be developed in isolation from each other. At its heart, BC / DR is about constant communication.

Janco's Template can be used for any size of enterprise. The electronic document and its supporting material have been updated to be ISO, ITIL, Sarbanes-Oxley and HIPAA compliant. It includes:

  • Disaster Recovery Plan and Business Continuity Template (WORD and PDF)
  • Business and IT Impact Analysis Questionnaire
  • Work Plan
  • Disaster Recovery / Business Continuity Audit Program
  • Pandemic Planning Checklist
  • Incident Communication Plan and Policy
  • Electronic forms

MTO Disaster Timeline

Preparation has two primary parts. The first is putting systems in place to completely protect all financial and other data required to meet the reporting regulations and to archive the data to meet future requests for clarification of those reports. The second is to clearly and expressly document all these procedures so that in the event of a SOX audit, the auditors clearly see that the DRP exists and will appropriately protect the data.

The Template can be acquired in the following ways:

Disaster Recovery Business ContinuityDisaster Recovery Business Continuity Standard Edition

Artificial Intelligence Considerations

Disaster Recovery Business Continuity Template (WORD) - comes with the latest electronic forms and is fully compliant with all mandated US, EU, and ISO requirements.

  • Fully editable Disaster Recovery Business Continuity template
  • Disaster Recovery Business Continuity Audit Program - Compliant with ISO 27031, ISO 22301, and ISO 28000
  • Key job descriptions included
    • Chief Compliance Officer
    • Chief Experience Officer
    • Chief Mobility Officer
    • Manager Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity
    • Manager Disaster Recovery Manager
    • and more
  • Incident Communication Plan and Policy with BEST PRACTICES for
    • News Conferences
    • Media Relations
  • Social Network Checklist
  • Included with the template are Electronic Forms which have been designed to lower the cost of maintenance of the plan. Electronic Forms that can be e-mailed, completed via a computer or tablet, and stored electronically including:
    • LAN Inventory, Location Contact Numbers, Off-Site Inventory, Pandemic Planning Checklist; Personnel Locations, Plan Distribution, Remote Location Contact Information, Server Registration, Team Call List, Vendor Contact Information, and Vendor/Partner Questionnaire
    • Added Bonus - Safety Program Electronic Forms -- Area Safety Inspection, Employee Job Hazard Analysis, First Report of Injury, Inspection Checklist - Alternative Locations, Inspection Checklist - Office Locations, New Employee Safety Checklist, Safety Program Contact List, and Training Record

Disaster Recovery Business ContinuityDisaster Recovery Business Continuity Premium Edition

  • Disaster Recovery Business Continuity Template

  • 23 Job Descriptions (WORD)

    Chief AI Officer - CAIO, Chief Information Officer - CIO, Chief Security Officer - CSO, Chief Compliance Officer - CCO, Chief Digital Officer, Chief Mobility Officer, VP Strategy and Architecture, Director Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity, Director e-Commerce, Director Media Communications, Manager Disaster Recovery, Manager Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery Coordinator, Disaster Recovery - Special Projects Supervisor, Manager Database, Capacity Planning Supervisor, Manager Media Library Support, Manager Record Administrator, Manager Site Management, and Pandemic Coordinator

Disaster Recovery Business ContinuityDisaster Recovery Business Continuity Gold Edition

  • Disaster Recovery Business Continuity Template - Full template with all of its attachments.

  • 324 IT Job Descriptions including all of the job descriptions contained in the Premium edition.

With this offer you save almost 50% from the base price of these two very popular products

DR BC SecurityDisaster Recovery Business Continuity & Security Manual Templates Standard

  • Disaster Recovery Business Continuity Template

  • Security Manual Template

Both of the templates have been recently updated to meet new compliance requirements for ransomware, EU madated issues and BREXIT operational considerations

"Best of Breed - Best Practices Disaster Recovery Planning / Business Continuity Planning and Security Policies" according to the IT Productivity Center

DR BC SecurityDisaster Recovery Business Continuity & Security Manual Templates Premium

  • Disaster Recovery Business Continuity Template - Standard Edition

  • Security Manual Template - Standard Edition

  • 41 Job Descriptions including:

    CIO; CCO; Chief Digital Officer, Chief Experience Officer, Chief Mobility Officer, CSO; VP Strategy and Architecture; Data Protection Officer, Director e-Commerce; Database Administrator; Data Security Administrator; Manager Data Security; Manager Database; Manager Disaster Recovery; Manager Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity; Pandemic Coordinator; Manager Facilities and Equipment; Manager Media Library Support; Manager Network and Computing Services; Manager Network Services; Manager Site Management; Manager Training and Documentation; Manager Voice and Data Communication; Manager Wireless Systems;Capacity Planning Supervisor; Disaster Recovery Coordinator; Disaster Recovery - Special Projects Supervisor; Network Security Analyst; System Administrator - Unix; System Administrator - Windows

DR BC SecurityDisaster Recovery Business Continuity & Security Manual Templates Gold

  • Disaster Recovery Business Continuity Template - Standard Edition

  • Security Manual Template - Standard Edition

  • 326 Job Descriptions which includes all of the job descriptions in the premium edition

"Best of Breed - Best Practices Disaster Recovery Planning / Business Continuity Planning, Security Policies, IT Job Descriptions" according to the IT Productivity Center

Order DRP BCP Template  DRP BCP Sample