IT Job Market Growth Steady

IT Job Market Continues Expanding - IT Job Market now shows 3.4 plus million IT Professionals

IT Salary SurveyIT Job Market Growth Steady - There are now over 3.4 million professionals in the U.S. who are dedicated to developing, implementing, and maintaining the IT Infrastructure of enterprises around the globe. The only soft spot is in the area of telecommunications.

In the past 12 month, over 59,000 jobs have been added in Computer System Design and Related Services, 12,900 jobs in Data Processing, Hosting, and related services, and 8,100 jobs in Information Services. On the downside, at the same time the Telecommunications sector has lost 18,400 in the last 12 months. Many of those jobs have been eliminated due to mergers and automations.

IT Job Market Growth Steady

Hiring at an all-time high

Many IT functions have jobs they cannot file as the number of qualified candidates is very limited by both education and experience. The new areas of focus are in the areas of Blockchain and Mobile Applications utilizing languages and tools like C+ and java. There is much less of a need for “legacy” applications created with batch programming languages like COBOL.

However with the constant retirement of “Baby Boomers” many CIOs are challenged to address future support for those legacy applications. A fair number of these CIOs are looking to replace core applications with software packages. The best example of that is with payroll applications. Over 95% of those applications are not done with software packages or with Software as a Service. Another example of that an application like that is Point Sale. Where that used to be a complex centralized process it now has moved to be a mobile based application.

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(Data below was added after this was initially published)

Lastest IT Job Market Size

Data below depicts the historical number of IT Job in four major BLS job classes: Telecommunication; Data Processing, Hosting and Related Services; Other Information Services; and Computer Systems Design and Related Services. It reflects the historical total of the number of IT jobs available to IT professionals.

Historic IT Job Market Size - 4.19 Million Employed as IT Pros

Historic IT Job Market Size

This is not the original data that was published.
It has been updated with data complied by Janco Associates with data as of June 2024.

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For current information on the IT Job Market review Janco's IT Job Market and US National Employment data.