Disaster Recovery as a Service - DRaaS

Companies from all across the world are investing in Disaster Recovery as a Service solution. If your business does not have a sufficient disaster recovery strategy in place, you may be putting your operations at significant risk. DRaaS can save you money and free up your resources at the same time. When you sign up with an IT disaster recovery provider, like Peaceguard, they will work closely alongside you to come up with a workable plan that will protect your business-critical assets whilst talking to you in-depth about potential risks and how their products can help you avoid them.
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Only Pay for What You Need
DRaaS is remarkably affordable, and you usually only pay for what you need and the amount of servers that need to be covered. The services are usually quick and easy to set up and if a disaster does strike, your business can be up-and-running again within just a few hours. Servers can usually be added to or removed from your plan as and when required. Recovery processes can begin within around 15 minutes of a request being received, eliminating downtime and protecting your operations.
Choosing a DRaaS Provider
There are many DRaaS providers on the market, so it is wise to do your research and investigate your options fully before you come to a final decision. You should expect 24/7 IT support and be offered a comprehensive solution that protects your entire infrastructure. As it is a cloud-based solution, your staff can recommence work from wherever they are in the world once recovery is achieved.
Ask as Many Questions as You Need To
Businesses that are located in areas prone to bad weather are obvious beneficiaries of disaster recovery services but the solutions can be just as valuable to those that aren't. When it comes to choosing a provider you should feel free to ask as many questions as you need to, and you should have everything explained to you. You should ask if they can guarantee recovery times too. Most providers can solve your problem within as little as four hours.
Protect Your Business Critical Assets
For many companies, DRaaS is an introduction to cloud-based working. Today's companies are fully aware of the benefits of cloud-working and are being permitted to completely reshape the way that they operate due to these new innovations. When you invest in a DRaaS package you can save money on in-house IT resources whilst freeing up staff to focus on other duties.
Staying Secure Whilst in the Cloud
You may wish to head online to read reviews and look for recommendations before you do decide on one specific service. If you're thinking of saving money via IT outsourcing, from a company like Janco's IT Support Services, disaster recovery solutions can be the perfect place to start. You should ensure that data encryption facilities are included in your chosen cloud disaster recovery package and that everything is tested regularly to ensure that it will operate as expected if a disaster does strike.
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