Why Recovery Plans Fail Survey Results

Technology Resilience Depends on Business Continuity Plan

Why Recovery Plans Fail Survey Results - With the level of uncertainty in our world regarding events that can disrupt the operation of an enterprise Janco has learned that we need to expect the unexpected. And while terrorist attacks and major weather events are the most egregious example of a disaster, CIOs should be prepared for disruptions to the business on all fronts and all levels of severity. While it can be argued that Business Continuity Planning is an expensive and tedious endeavor, it is clear that a well thought out plan that helps assure business continuity in the event of a serious disruption to the operation of the business, may well mean the difference between business success and business failure.

Many disaster recovery (DR) plans end up being a documentation exercise and never rise above the day-to-day priorities of the business. Those who make it to the DR testing phases often encounter problems that if not properly addressed leave a bad mark on the whole DR process. In a survey of 253 enterprises that had to activate their recovery plans, Janco has identified the reasons why recovery is not successful.

Most businesses never suffer a catastrophic data loss. For those that do, whether caused by hardware failure, natural disaster, fire/flood, employee malice it can be devastating. More than 50% of businesses suffering a catastrophic loss of data never recover.

Over a six month period Janco Associates interviewed managers and executives in enterprises of all sizes that had experienced a business interruption and had to take some sort of action to continue their operations. Only 52 (28.7%) .of the 181 Interviewees were able to recover with no major problems. 123 of the others faced some issue with their recovery efforts.

Why DR and BC plans fail

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The most common issue and occurring in 62% of all recovery plans are errors in the plan itself. This is often due to the plan not being kept up to date (47%) and the unavailability or inaccurate passwords (34%).

Additional reasons for failures are:

  • Insufficient backup power - 22%
  • Communications not in place - 18%
  • Personnel not trained - 17%
  • System priorities not identified - 14%
  • Recovery not documented - 13%
  • Event not identified - 12%

The Disaster Recovery / Business Continuity and Security Manual Template bundle comes in three versions - Standard, Premium, and Gold.

DR BC SecurityDisaster Recovery Business Continuity & Security Manual Templates Standard

  • Disaster Recovery Business Continuity Template

  • Security Manual Template

Both of the templates have been recently updated to meet new compliance requirements for ransomware, EU madated issues and BREXIT operational considerations

"Best of Breed - Best Practices Disaster Recovery Planning / Business Continuity Planning and Security Policies" according to the IT Productivity Center

DR BC SecurityDisaster Recovery Business Continuity & Security Manual Templates Premium

  • Disaster Recovery Business Continuity Template - Standard Edition

  • Security Manual Template - Standard Edition

  • 41 Job Descriptions including:

    CIO; CCO; Chief Digital Officer, Chief Experience Officer, Chief Mobility Officer, CSO; VP Strategy and Architecture; Data Protection Officer, Director e-Commerce; Database Administrator; Data Security Administrator; Manager Data Security; Manager Database; Manager Disaster Recovery; Manager Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity; Pandemic Coordinator; Manager Facilities and Equipment; Manager Media Library Support; Manager Network and Computing Services; Manager Network Services; Manager Site Management; Manager Training and Documentation; Manager Voice and Data Communication; Manager Wireless Systems;Capacity Planning Supervisor; Disaster Recovery Coordinator; Disaster Recovery - Special Projects Supervisor; Network Security Analyst; System Administrator - Unix; System Administrator - Windows

DR BC SecurityDisaster Recovery Business Continuity & Security Manual Templates Gold

  • Disaster Recovery Business Continuity Template - Standard Edition

  • Security Manual Template - Standard Edition

  • 326 Job Descriptions which includes all of the job descriptions in the premium edition

"Best of Breed - Best Practices Disaster Recovery Planning / Business Continuity Planning, Security Policies, IT Job Descriptions" according to the IT Productivity Center

Security Manual Template - Standard Edition

  • Security PolicyBusiness and IT Impact Questionnaire
  • Threat and Vulnerability Assessment Toolkit
  • Security Management Checklist
  • Full Detail Policies for
    • Blog and Personal Website Policy
    • Internet, Email, Social Networking, Mobile Device, and Electronic Communication Policy
    • Mobile Device Policy
    • Physical and Virtual File Server Policy
    • Sensitive Information Policy
    • Travel and Off-Site Meeting Policy
  • Job Descriptions for the Chief Compliance Officer, Chief Security Officer, Data Protection Officer, Manager Security and Workstations, Manager WFH Support, Security Architect, and Systems Administrator.
  • Work From Home (WFH) operational rules
  • HIPAA Audit Program
  • AI Security Management
  • GDPR Compliance Checklist to meet EU Requirements
  • CCPA - California Consumer Privacy Act requirements definition
  • Consumer Bill of Rights
  • Sarbanes Oxley Section 404 Checklist
  • HIPAA Audit Proram
  • Security Audit Program- fully editable -- Comes in MS EXCEL and PDF formats -- Meets GDPR, ISO 28000, 27001, 27002, Sarbanes-Oxley, PCI-DSS, HIPAA FIPS 199, and NIS SP 800-53 requirements -- Over 400 unique tasks divided into 11 areas of audit focus which are the divided into 38 separate task groupings
  • Electronic forms that can be Emailed, completed via a computer or tablet, and stored electronically including: Blog Policy Compliance, BYOD Access and Use, Company Asset Employee Control Log, Email - Employee Acknowledgment, Employee Termination Checklist, FIPS 199 Assessment Electronic Form, Internet Access Request, Internet Use Approval, Internet & Electronic Communication - Employee Acknowledgment, Mobile Device Access and Use Agreement, Employee Security Acknowledgment Release, Preliminary Security Audit Checklist, Risk Assessment, Security Access Application, Security Audit Report, Security Violation Reporting, Sensitive Information Policy Compliance Agreement, Server Registration, and Threat and Vulnerability Assessment
  • eReader version of the Security Manual Template
  • BONUS - ISO 28000 Supply Chain Security Audit Program in MS EXCEL and PDF formats.

Security Manual Template - Premium Edition

  • Security Manual Template Standard Edition - Electronically DeliveredSecurity Manual Template

  • Security Team Job Descriptions MS Word Format
    • Chief AI Officer (CAIO); Chief Compliance Officer (CCO); Chief Security Officer (CSO); VP Strategy and Architecture; Data Protection Officer (DPO); Director e-Commerce; Database Administrator; Data Security Administrator; Manager Data Security; Manager Facilities and Equipment; Manager Network and Computing Services; Manager Network Services; Manager Training and Documentation; Manager Voice and Data Communication; Manager Wireless Systems; Identity Management Protection Analyst, Information Security Analyst, Network Security Analyst; System Administrator - Linux, System Administrator - Unix; and System Administrator - Windows

Security Manual Template - Gold Edition

  • Security Manual Template Premium Edition Electronically Delivered Security Manual Gold Edition

  • IT Job Descriptions MS Word Format - Updated to meet all mandated security requirements
    • 326 Job Descriptions from the Internet and IT Job Descriptions HandiGuide in MS Word Format including all of the job descriptions in the Premium Edition. Each job description is at least 2 pages long and some of the more senior positions are up to 8 pages in length.

Order DRP BCP Security Bundle  Download Sample

Recovery plan chosen by over 3,000 enterprises worldwide

The DRP template is over 200 pages and includes everything needed to customize the Disaster Recovery Plan to fit your specific requirement. The electronic document includes proven written text and examples for the following major sections of a disaster recovery plan:

  • Plan Introduction
  • Business Impact Analysis - including a sample impact matrix
  • DRP Organization Responsibilities pre and post disaster - drp checklist
  • Backup Strategy for Data Centers, Departmental File Servers, Wireless Network servers, Data at Outsourced Sites, Desktops (In office and "at home"), Laptops and PDA's
  • Recovery Strategy including approach, escalation plan process and decision points
  • Disaster Recovery Procedures in a check list format
  • Plan Administration Process
  • Technical Appendix including definition of necessary phone numbers and contact points
  • Job Description for Disaster Recovery Manager (3 pages long) - entire disaster recovery team job descriptions are available
  • Work Plan to modify and implement the template. Included is a list of deliverables for each task. (Risk Assessment and Vulnerability Assessment)

There is a extensive section that show how a full test of the DRP can be conducted. It includes

  • Disaster Recovery Manager Responsibilities
  • Distribution of the Disaster Recovery Plan
  • Maintenance of the Business Impact Analysis
  • Training of the Disaster Recovery Team
  • Testing of the Disaster Recovery Plan
  • Evaluation of the Disaster Recovery Plan Tests
  • Maintenance of the Disaster Recovery Plan

Click on the link below to get the DRP/BC sample pages now and make it part of your disaster recovery toolkit.

Order DRP BCP Template  DRP BCP Sample