Disaster Recovery Planning

DRP and BCP Best Practices

Proper DR BC planning is required for a successful recovery

A best practice for disaster planning and business continuity is a technique, method, process, activity, incentive, or reward that is believed to be more effective at restoring the operation of an enterprise after a disaster or enterprise interruption event occurs.

The idea is that with proper processes, checks, and testing, a desired outcome can be delivered with fewer problems and unforeseen complications. Best practices can also be defined as the most efficient (least amount of effort) and effective (best results) way of accomplishing a task, based on repeatable procedures that have proven themselves over time for large numbers of people.

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Disaster recovery and business continuity best practices

  1. Focus on operations - people and process that drive the enterprise are the primary issues that DRP and BCP are controllable. Implementing a planning and recovery environment is an ideal time to define an approach based on ITIL best practices that will address the process and people issues effectively.

  2. Train everyone on how to execute the DRP and BCP - People are the front line when it comes to supporting the enterprise. A staff that has not been properly trained in the use of the DRP and BCP when an event occurs will we hindrance. Everyone must have the knowledge and skills to provide the right support. This not only helps reduce downtime, it also delivers better performance and a faster ROI through better and wiser use of IT assets.

  3. Have a clear definition for declaring when a disaster or business interruption occurs that will set the DRP and BCP process into motion - There needs to be a clear processes for allocating resources based on their criticality and availability requirements. This will define the “rules of the road” for who does what and when while minimizing the factors that can negatively impact enterprise operations.

  4. Integrate DRP and BCP with change management - Changes are inevitable in any sizable environment. It is difficult to keep up with the flood of new applications, technologies, and new tools. That is why it is essential to design, implement, and continuously improve change and configuration management processes.

  5. Focus on addressing issues BEFORE they impact the enterprise - When you are aiming to operate at the speed of business, after-the-fact fixes do not make the grade. These days, you need to anticipate trouble and head it off before it happens. It is important to identify risks across people, process, and technology so that appropriate countermeasures can be implemented. You should also make sure that vendors provide an appropriate level of support including proactive features such as critical patch analysis and change management support.

  6. Validate that all technology is properly installed and configured right from the start - a technology solution that is properly implemented in terms of its hardware, firmware, and software will dramatically reduce problems and downtime in the future. Proper initial configuration can also save time and reduce issues with upgrades, hot patches, and other changes.

  7. Monitor the processes and people to know what critical - many of today's enterprises are experiencing a capacity crisis as they reach the limits of reduced budgets, older facilities and legacy infrastructures. Space is tight. Power and cooling resources are over-burdened. Implementing new solutions in inefficient environments may limit their ability to recover from an event. An assessment that examines and analyzes the enterprises environment's capabilities and requirements can provide valuable information to help improve efficiency.

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Backup Matrix

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Disaster Recovery - Business Continuity Security Bundle

We have just the download you need to create a world class plan and assure you leave no stone unturned. With these Templates we walk you through the entire process, providing all the tools you need along the way. As an added benefit you can purchase an update service which keeps these templates abreast of the latest legislated and mandated requirements. All of our documents have been updated to comply with PCI-DSS, Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA, the ISO 27000 (formerly ISO 17799) series - 27001 & 27002, and PCI-DSS.

The Disaster Recovery / Business Continuity and Security Manual Template bundle comes in three versions - Standard, Premium, and Gold.

DR BC SecurityDisaster Recovery Business Continuity & Security Manual Templates Standard

  • Disaster Recovery Business Continuity Template

  • Security Manual Template

Both of the templates have been recently updated to meet new compliance requirements for ransomware, EU madated issues and BREXIT operational considerations

"Best of Breed - Best Practices Disaster Recovery Planning / Business Continuity Planning and Security Policies" according to the IT Productivity Center

DR BC SecurityDisaster Recovery Business Continuity & Security Manual Templates Premium

  • Disaster Recovery Business Continuity Template - Standard Edition

  • Security Manual Template - Standard Edition

  • 41 Job Descriptions including:

    CIO; CCO; Chief Digital Officer, Chief Experience Officer, Chief Mobility Officer, CSO; VP Strategy and Architecture; Data Protection Officer, Director e-Commerce; Database Administrator; Data Security Administrator; Manager Data Security; Manager Database; Manager Disaster Recovery; Manager Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity; Pandemic Coordinator; Manager Facilities and Equipment; Manager Media Library Support; Manager Network and Computing Services; Manager Network Services; Manager Site Management; Manager Training and Documentation; Manager Voice and Data Communication; Manager Wireless Systems;Capacity Planning Supervisor; Disaster Recovery Coordinator; Disaster Recovery - Special Projects Supervisor; Network Security Analyst; System Administrator - Unix; System Administrator - Windows

DR BC SecurityDisaster Recovery Business Continuity & Security Manual Templates Gold

  • Disaster Recovery Business Continuity Template - Standard Edition

  • Security Manual Template - Standard Edition

  • 331 Job Descriptions which includes all of the job descriptions in the premium edition

"Best of Breed - Best Practices Disaster Recovery Planning / Business Continuity Planning, Security Policies, IT Job Descriptions" according to the IT Productivity Center

Security Manual Template - Standard Edition

  • Security PolicyBusiness and IT Impact Questionnaire
  • Threat and Vulnerability Assessment Toolkit
  • Security Management Checklist
  • Full Detail Policies for
    • Blog and Personal Website Policy
    • Internet, Email, Social Networking, Mobile Device, and Electronic Communication Policy
    • Mobile Device Policy
    • Physical and Virtual File Server Policy
    • Sensitive Information Policy
    • Travel and Off-Site Meeting Policy
  • Job Descriptions for the Chief Compliance Officer, Chief Security Officer, Data Protection Officer, Manager Security and Workstations, Manager WFH Support, Security Architect, and Systems Administrator.
  • Work From Home (WFH) operational rules
  • HIPAA Audit Program
  • AI Security Management
  • GDPR Compliance Checklist to meet EU Requirements
  • CCPA - California Consumer Privacy Act requirements definition
  • Consumer Bill of Rights
  • Sarbanes Oxley Section 404 Checklist
  • HIPAA Audit Proram
  • Security Audit Program- fully editable -- Comes in MS EXCEL and PDF formats -- Meets GDPR, ISO 28000, 27001, 27002, Sarbanes-Oxley, PCI-DSS, HIPAA FIPS 199, and NIS SP 800-53 requirements -- Over 400 unique tasks divided into 11 areas of audit focus which are the divided into 38 separate task groupings
  • Electronic forms that can be Emailed, completed via a computer or tablet, and stored electronically including: Blog Policy Compliance, BYOD Access and Use, Company Asset Employee Control Log, Email - Employee Acknowledgment, Employee Termination Checklist, FIPS 199 Assessment Electronic Form, Internet Access Request, Internet Use Approval, Internet & Electronic Communication - Employee Acknowledgment, Mobile Device Access and Use Agreement, Employee Security Acknowledgment Release, Preliminary Security Audit Checklist, Risk Assessment, Security Access Application, Security Audit Report, Security Violation Reporting, Sensitive Information Policy Compliance Agreement, Server Registration, and Threat and Vulnerability Assessment
  • PDF version of the Security Manual Template
  • BONUS - ISO 28000 Supply Chain Security Audit Program in MS EXCEL and PDF formats.

Security Manual Template - Premium Edition

  • Security Manual Template Standard Edition - Electronically DeliveredSecurity Manual Template

  • Security Team Job Descriptions MS Word Format
    • Chief AI Officer (CAIO); Chief Compliance Officer (CCO); Chief Security Officer (CSO); VP Strategy and Architecture; Data Protection Officer (DPO); Director e-Commerce; Database Administrator; Data Security Administrator; Manager Data Security; Manager Facilities and Equipment; Manager Network and Computing Services; Manager Network Services; Manager Training and Documentation; Manager Voice and Data Communication; Manager Wireless Systems; Identity Management Protection Analyst, Information Security Analyst, Network Security Analyst; System Administrator - Linux, System Administrator - Unix; and System Administrator - Windows

Security Manual Template - Gold Edition

  • Security Manual Template Premium Edition Electronically Delivered Security Manual Gold Edition

  • IT Job Descriptions MS Word Format - Updated to meet all mandated security requirements
    • 331 Job Descriptions from the Internet and IT Job Descriptions HandiGuide in MS Word Format including all of the job descriptions in the Premium Edition. Each job description is at least 2 pages long and some of the more senior positions are up to 8 pages in length.

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