IT Salary Survey Released - Good News for IT Professionals - Salaries up 2.4%

IT Salary Survey shows that salaries for IT Pros are moving up as 112,000 jobs were added in in the last 12 months

The IT Salary Survey, just released and, is good news for IT Professionals. The survey shows that hiring and salaries have improved for IT positions in most North American metropolitan areas.

The CEO of Janco Associates, Mr. Victor Janulaitis said, "For the first time in over 6 years salaries for IT Pros have moved up almost across the board. We believe that this is due to the fact that over 112,000 new IT jobs were created in the last 12 months and that the economy seems to be in a recovery mode."

The findings presented in Janco's 2015 IT Salary Survey include:

The major findings of the survey are:

  • In 2014 the IT job market grew by 112,800 versus 74,900 and 62,500 in 2013 and 2012 respectively according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

IT Hiring Slows - IT Pros Face Recessionary Job Market

Recent IT Job Market size - Recovery in full swing for IT Pros

Janco forecasts that the IT Job market will shrink for the second year in a row

IT Job Market Growth
Updated with the latest data

  • IT compensation for all IT Professionals has increased by 2.40% in the last 12 months.

IT Median Salaries

NOTE: the table below is updated automatically with the latest IT salaries when a new salary survey is published. That happens every January and June. The historical data is available.

Latest Median IT Salaries

Latest Mean IT salaries
For the latest data go to the current IT Salary Survey

Janco has compiled IT compensation data since 1996 and publishes its IT Salary Survey semi-annually. The IT Salary Survey is based on Janco's IT professionals' compensation database.

Historic IT Salary Survey Reports

Janco and its principals have gathered IT compensation data for over three decades. The more recent historical surveys are available via our standard shopping cart. If older data is required, please contact us directly. These are the January versions of the individual years.

A summary of the most recent salary survey can be obtained by visiting Janco IT Salary Survey at

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Salaries for IT Professionals are on the move upward. The change in the tax laws in the 2018 and the removal of many regulations has generated a boom in the economy. The current forcast for growth of the IT job market is high and the graph below depicts the the long term trend.

Historic IT Job Market Size

Historic IT Job Market Size

Data complied by Janco Associates with data as of October 2024

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