Pandemic Checklist Available as Electronic Form
Comes as MS Word Electronic form and a PDF - delivered electronically
With the recent outbreaks of viruses, the importance of proper preparation is clearly seen. When a pandemic occurs, the importance of keeping the enterprise operational, employees and customers safe can not be underestimated.
Janco has developed a pandemic planning checklist that comes as an electronic document which can be used right out of the box to highlight areas which need to be addressed.
The areas of focus for the form are:
- Impact of a pandemic on the enterprise
- Impact of a pandemic on employees and customers
- Supply chain ramifications
- Definition of specific pandemic procedures that are required to address it
- Definition of resource allocations need to protect both employees and customers
- Identification of communication and education required for management and employees
- Identification of what coordination with external entities and how to help the local community.
It is too late to address many of these issues after a pandemic has taken hold. However, if the enterprise does not have this in place, the Pandemic Planning Checklist is a great first step.
Impact on Meetings and large scale events
Business operations will continue only if proper precautions are taken.
- Safety and well-being. Priory should be people – That includes company staff, company partners suppliers and their staff, their staff, and customers/clients. Their safety and wellbeing always come first, and they are best informed with the factual data.
- Business impact. Â Understand the business impact of any decisions. For example, if a meeting or event is canceled what will the social, scientific, or economic impact be acceptable? What happens if we continue with the meeting or event and participation is reduced? Will this have an impact greater than canceling? What alternatives could be considered? Change of destination, date, or including a virtual element?”
- On-site risks. Risks are typically a combination of severity of impact vs. likelihood of different scenarios. Use a risk-assessment matrix to plot, identify, and rank risks to determine and decide on appropriate responses. In times of heightened risks, establish a quick response team.
- Communications. It is essential for meeting and event providers and the company to work closely together. This ensures that the broad view and all possible issues and scenarios can be considered and addressed. Continued communication with all stakeholders is also a core part of the approach to ensure people have regular updates and are aware of who to contact in case of questions.
The electronic form can be acquired by itself, in the DR/BC form bundle or the IT Infrastructure Forms bundle.
Order Pandemic Planning Checklist Read on Business Continuity
Disaster Recovery Business Continuity Template contains Pandemic Planning Checklist
Janco's DRP Template can be used for any size of enterprise. The Disaster Recovery template and supporting material have been updated to be CCPA, GDPR, and HIPAA compliant. The template comes as both a Word document and a static fully indexed PDF document and includes:
- DRP and BCP Template
- Business and IT Impact Analysis Questionnaire
- Work Plan
- DR / BC Audit Program
- Pandemic Planning Checklist
- Vendor Partner DR/BC Questionnaire
Order DRP BCP Template DRP BCP Sample