Salaries Flat - Not all IT Jobs have been Recovered

IT Pros see little improvement in pay over the past 12 months according to Janco's Mid-Year IT Salary Survey

Park City, UT -Salaries Flat - Not all IT Jobs have been Recovered. The Mid-Year IT Salary Survey, just released and, is not good news for IT Professionals. The survey shows that hiring and salaries have not improved significantly for IT positions in most North American metropolitan areas.

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IT Median Salaries Historic Review

NOTE: the table below is updated automatically with the latest IT salaries when a new salary survey is published. That happens every January and June. The historical data is available.

Latest Median IT Salaries

Latest Mean IT salaries
For the latest data go to the current IT Salary Survey

The CEO of Janco, Victor Janulaitis stated, "Salaries are up less than 1% (0.33%) in the past 12 months for IT pros. " Mr. Janulaitis also said, "Our study also found the average tenure for CIOs has moved up to 4 years 4 months from 4 years 3 months last at this time. " He added, "Salaries for most IT pros are at the level they were at in 2008 and that is a positive. "
The seven major findings of the survey are:

  • IT compensation for all IT Professionals has increased by 0.33% in the last 12 months.
  • CIOs compensation has stayed flat in larger companies and increased in smaller and mid-sized companies in the past 12 months.
  • Positions in highest demand are all associated with the quality control, BYOD implementation, and service level improvement.
  • Over the long term IT executives have fared better in mid-sized companies than large companies.
  • IT Job growth has slowed. In 2013 the IT job market grew by 36,500 (January through May) versus 32,200 in 2014.
  • Lay-offs seem to have tapered off, however some companies continue to cut the size of the IT organizations.
  • Cost control is still the rule of the day; however we have seen an increase in the number of "part-timers" and contractors who are focused on particular critical projects.
  • On shore outsourcing has peaked and companies are looking to bring IT operations back into their direct control and reduce operating costs.
  • Mandated requirements for records management systems and electronic medical records have increased the demand for quality control staff and custodians (librarians) of mechanized records.
  • Companies are continuing to refine the benefits provided to full time IT professionals

The survey includes data from 256 large and 808 mid-sized organizations with anywhere from a single data point to over 625 for particular organization. The data was captured in the second quarter of 2014.

Janco has compiled IT compensation data since 1996 and publishes its IT Salary Survey semi-annually. The IT Salary Survey is based on Janco's IT professionals' compensation database. A summary of the most recent salary survey can be obtained by visiting Janco's IT Salary Survey.

Total IT Job Market still below peak levels of 2000

Data below updated to the latest IT Job Market size

Historic IT Job Market Size

Historic IT Job Market Size

Data complied by Janco Associates with data as of February 2025

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