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  • Defining Maximum Tolerable Period of Disruption (MTPOD)

    DRP Template and Security Manuual Template

    Disaster Recovery Business Contuintiy RTO and MTPOD

    Maximum Tolerable Period of Disruption (MTPOD) became an issue with the introduction of British Standard 25999-2. When applied correctly, MTPOD improves management's understanding of the disaster recovery business continuity program and clarifies the enterprise's recovery priorities.

    Maximum Tolerable Period of Disruption (MTPOD)

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    Cure for Business Growing Pains - Hire the right people

    Best Practices for Recruiting and Hiring

    A growing business is a successful business, but it comes with its own set of complications. Growing pains can arise from new employees, added roles and responsibilities, and a premium on office space.

    onder for a moment the last person you hired. After you selected them, did they work out as intended? Or did they turn into somebody totally unlike what you thought when you interviewed them?

    The most important aspect of any business is recruiting, selecting, and retaining top people. Research shows those organizations that spend more time recruiting high-caliber people earn 22% higher return to shareholders than their industry peers. However, most employers do a miserable job selecting people. Many companies rely on outdated and ineffective interviewing and hiring techniques. This critical responsibility sometimes gets the least emphasis.

    Cloud is integral to DRP/BCP

    Cloud and Disaster Recovery Bundle

    Cloud is now an inegrail part of disaster recovery process and business continuity plans. Janco has found that disaster plans that include the cloud, if done well, simplify and improve the success of the recovery process.

    Here are 10 things to have on your cloud DR checklist.

    1. Focus on havinb multiple providers - validate that the physical location of the providers is significantly different than your primary facilities - Define ways to connect to the provider when your facility is unavailable to your company.
    2. Focus on primary applications:
         Web sites
    3. Rank business application on importance - which ones and how soon they need to be available - have serial numbers and passwords readily available
    4. Have clear definition and contracts in place before the event which state vendor's DR capabilities and promises. Know what provisions it has for disaster recovery and fail-over - and what the promise times for service restoration are.
    5. Test all mission-critical applications with vendors - Plan for at least an annual test of the entire DR and fail-over procedure - use the vendor's data center as if it were your own. Validate that your company will not be crowded out by a "more important" customer.
    6. Utilize the cloud's strengths including on-demand availability for computing, storage, networking, and technical support resources. Pay only for what you use.
    7. Leverage private cloud and tools with which you can quickly replicate operating systems and applications for purposes of DR and fail-over.
    8. Include redundant communications channels - include multiple lines with a mix of data communication topologies to lessen - most enterprises are in multiple locations and should have cloud data center DR and fail-over strategies that allow for an easy transitions to alternate sites in different geographic locations if a major catastrophe strikes a particular area.
    9. Have trained personnel and written (non-electronic) documentation at remote DR/fail-over sites

    Read on Cloud DRP/BCP Order Cloud DRP/BCP 

    Disaster Recovery Common Mistakes

    Disaster Recovery Business Contuintiy Common Mistakes

    Disaster Recovery Business Continuity Common Mistakes

    Most common mistakes made in Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning are eliminated by implementing the Janco Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Template. Problems that are avoided are:

    1. Failure to identify every potential event that can jeopardize the infrastructure and data that your enterprise depends
    2. Failure to cross-train personnel in disaster recovery and business continuity
    3. Failure to create a communication processes which will work when your communication infrastructure is lost
    4. Failure to have adequate backup power
    5. Failure to know which resources need to be restored first
    6. Failure to have  adequate physical documentation of your Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity plan  
    7. Failure to validate the adequacy of your back ups
    8. Failure  to test your Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity plan
    9. Failure to have passwords available to the Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity team - Though password protection is a key goal for data security, you need to store
    10. Failure to keep your Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity plan up to date

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    Chief Data Officer plays a key role in Disaster Recovery Planning

    Chief Data Officer establishes the framework for Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning

    Chief Data Officer Job DescriptionCDO is responsible for the adoption and operation of data across the entire business. As with most senior executive titles, the responsibilities are set by the organization's board of directors or other authority, depending on the organization's legal structure. The CDO is responsible for user data experiences across the entire enterprise and its operations.

    For the CDO, data assets are the focal point for standardization within the enterprise.  As such, it is extremely important to the enterprise's current and future business operations.  The Chief Data Officer (CDO) ensures the continued success of these areas while simultaneously minimizing costs and maximizing equipment and employee performance.

    Read On...  Order Chief Data Officer Job Description