Infrastructure Digest - Sensitive Data Compliance

CIO IT Infrastructure Policies and Electronic Forms An Easy Way to Protect Your Sensitive Information

Focus on protecting sensitive information -- 17 Policies are included in the policy bundle and 55 plus electronic forms in the electronic forms kit have been updated for BYOD and social networks -- Update service is also available

IT Infrastructure Policy BundleProtecting the information assets of you company is key to your long term success. Just recently the CIO of JC Penny's learned that lesson the hard way after a major breach of the systems under IT's control.

Preventing such events has be the on-going focus of Janco. As a result of this continuing effort to create a set of standard procedures to secure sensitive information, CIOs now have templates they can implement to meet the challenges they face as they adjust to the new ways that technology is being used and attacked.

Sensitive Information Policy - PrivacyFor example, as the use of personal mobile devices, social networking, and expanding compliance requirements, CIOs are faced with the dilemma of how to balance business continuity, security, and compliance needs with an ever more complex operating environment while supporting increased business demands for more technology by an increasingly more technology literate user base. With our CIO IT Infrastructure Policy Bundle and electronic forms Janco has addressed those needs with the tools that are contained in this bundle.

Electronic FormsThe policies in the standard bundle are: backup and backup retention; blog and personal web site; BYOD; Google Glass Policy; incident communication; Internet, e-mail, social networking, mobile device, electronic communications, and record retention; mobile device access and use; patch management; outsourcing; physical and virtual server security policy; record management, retention, and destruction; sensitive information; service level agreement (SLA) with metrics; social networking; telecommuting; text messaging sensitive and confidential information and travel and off-site meeting. More information on this bundle, including a full copy of the table of contents for all 17 of the policies, can be obtained by going to Infrastructure Policies.

Order IT Infrastructure Policies  Download Selected Pages

Forms to support the policies are all included within the individual policies, plus modifiable electronic versions of the 58 forms are available in Microsoft WORD or EXCEL are available as a standalone item or as an add-on in a premium edition of the bundle. The CEO added, “Managers have the option to order single policies, the bundle of 16 policies (with or without the electronic forms); or just the electronic forms. In addition, we offer subsets of the electronic forms necessary for Disaster Recovery Business Continuity; Records Retention and Disposition; or Safety Program.

More information on the Electronic Forms can be obtained by going to Electronic Forms.

Order Electronic Forms  Download Selected Electronic Forms