Digital Content Specialist Job Description Word
Job Description for creator of on-line digital content that improves enterprise Internet visibility

A digital content specialist creates a variety of on line content designed to increase traffic or improve sales for a website or company. A digital content specialist, duties may include writing daily blog posts to develop and maintain an audience, creating content for marketing campaigns, and overseeing social media accounts for your brand or site.
The Digital Content Specialist’s role is to advocate, evangelize, and build digital content. The Digital Content Specialist is detail-oriented and is an expert on the digital content utilized by the enterprise. The Digital Content Specialist provides insight into leading analytic practices, design and lead iterative learning and development cycles, and ultimately produces new and creative solutions that will become part of the enterprise’s core deliverables.
The Digital Content Specialist drives initiatives to improve the monetization of the enterprise’s IT applications with digital content including the website and mobile experience while delivering consumer analytics efforts to better understand how users engage with the enterprise’s digital products.
The job description for the Digital Content Specialist spells out the challengers, duties and priorities for the position. This document also defines the career path and where the Digital Content Specialist falls in the reporting structure . The Job description defines the the role’s problems/challenges, essential position functions, accountabilities, authority, contact points, position requirements, which could include certifications, skills, experience, and education, and career ladder.
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Salary Ranges for Digital Content Specialist
As this is a fairly new position there are not many data points. We have set the ranges based on on salary survey and geographic locations.
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You can purchase the full page job description or better yet you can order all job descriptions in the current Internet and IT Position Description HandiGuide.
IT Job Descriptions and HandiGuide comes in PDF and/or MS WORD .docx formats - Delivered electronically
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Also included with the HandiGuide are tools to help you expand, evaluate and define your enterprise's unique additional required. Those tools include:
- Job Evaluation Questionnaire
- Position Description Questionnaire
- Job Progression Matrix (Job Family Classifications)
- Sexual Harassment and other key employment issues
- Best Practices for resume screening
- Best Practices for phone screening
- Employee Termination Checklist (Electronic Form)
The 331 positions include all of the functions within the IT group. The Job Descriptions have been updated to be compliant with PCI-DSS, GDPR, Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA, CobiT, and the ITIL standards. The job descriptions are all structured to focus on "Best Practices" as defined by the IT Productivity Center to meet the requirements of World Class Enterprises. They are ready to use and easily modified to meet your enterprise's unique requirements.
Each of the executive and management level positions have descriptions which are 4 to 8 pages long. All of the others are 2 to 4 pages long. They all come as individual MS Word files with long file names and are easily edited.
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