IT Job DescriptionsSecurity Architect Job Description

How to get value out of your enterprise's infrastructure with a Security Architect

A Security Architect designs, builds and oversees the implementation of network and computer security for an organization.

A security architect is the individual who is responsible for maintaining the security of an enterprise’s computer and application systems. They must anticipate all of the moves and tactics that hackers will use to try and gain unauthorized access to the enterprise's data and application resources. They must stay current with the latest developments in the arena of security and mandated compliance.

This is a new position that has its focus on protecting the data and information assets of the enterprise.

Order Security Architect Job Description

You can purchase the full four page job description or better yet you can order all job descriptions in the current Internet and IT Position Description HandiGuide.

IT Job Descriptions and HandiGuide comes in PDF and/or MS WORD .docx formats

HandiGuide & IT Job Descriptions - PDF format

The Internet and IT Job Descriptions comes in PDF format The PDF book is over 1,000 pages in length and contains 331 Job Descriptions in addition to a Job Progression Matrix Template, Employee Termination Checklist (Electronic Form), Job Evaluation Questionnaire, and Position Description Questionnaire.

Includes positions from CIO, CSO and CTO to Wireless and Metrics Mangers. All of the positions in the book have been created to reflect the technology world of . pdf file can be printed and viewed only.

IT Job Descriptions - MS WORD format - Bonus eReader version

331 Internet and IT Job Descriptions as individual files in MS WORD and ePub formats. Long file names have been used to make customization easier. The eReader versions are fully indexed, searchable and work on Kindles, iPads, Android Tablets, and SmartPhones.

Each job description is between two (2) to six (6) pages in length and has been created utilizing CSS style sheets. As such they are "out of the box" ready to use with little or no modification other than organization specific customization.

HandiGuide & IT Job Descriptions - pdf and MS WORD formats

The Internet and IT Job Descriptions HandiGuide comes in PDF format and job descriptions as separate MS WORD files. The PDF book is over 1,000 pages in length and contains 331 Job Descriptions in addition to a Job Progression Matrix Template, Employee Termination Checklist (Electronic Form), Job Evaluation Questionnaire, and Position Description Questionnaire. There is one word file for each job description (MS WORD format). Long file names have been used to make customization easier.

The Handiguide and job descriptions meet all mandated requirements and are all focused on achieving best practices followed by successful IT organizations in world class enterprises from around the world.

Update Service & Custom Position Job Descriptions

This service provides you with updates to each of the products listed below for a period of 12 to 24 months from the date of the purchase of the service. In addition, you may be entitled to some custom job descriptions based on the product ordered. To qualify you have to complete the Position Description Questionnaire (which we will provide to you via email upon your request). It typically will take 5 working days to provide you with the completed job description.

Order Update Service & Custom Job Descriptions

Order IT Job Description HandiGuide  Sample Description  Download TOC

Also included with the HandiGuide are tools to help you expand, evaluate and define your enterprise's unique additional required. Those tools include:

  • Job Evaluation Questionnaire
  • Position Description Questionnaire
  • Job Progression Matrix (Job Family Classifications)
  • Sexual Harassment and other key employment issues
  • Best Practices for resume screening
  • Best Practices for phone screening
  • Employee Termination Checklist (Electronic Form)

The 331 positions include all of the functions within the IT group. The Job Descriptions have been updated to be compliant with PCI-DSS, GDPR, Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA, CobiT, and the ITIL standards. The job descriptions are all structured to focus on "Best Practices" as defined by the IT Productivity Center to meet the requirements of World Class Enterprises. They are ready to use and easily modified to meet your enterprise's unique requirements.

Each of the executive and management level positions have descriptions which are 4 to 8 pages long. All of the others are 2 to 4 pages long. They all come as individual MS Word files with long file names and are easily edited.

Order IT Job Description HandiGuide  Sample Description  Download TOC