Disaster Recovery Plan Template, DRP Template, DRP Sample, Security, Job Descriptions, and Infrastructure Tools

Tools for the CIO and IT Managers

This site contains the Disaster Recovery Planning, Business Continuity, IT Salary Survey, Job Descriptions, Infrastructure and other tools that the Chief Information Officer - CIO, Chief Technology Officer - CTO, Chief Security Officer - CSO, and Chief Financial Officer - CFO can use.

Disaster Recovery Business Continuity

Disaster Recovery Plan Template  DRP Sample DRP Template

Read on  Order DRP  DRP Sample

IT Job Market Size Trend

Monthly IT Job Market Growth
Source BLS analysis by Janco Associates, Inc.

2024 Internet and IT Position Description HandiGuide Released

IT Job DescriptionsThere are now 326 IT Job Descriptions available that that have been updated to meet the latest compliance and new technology requirements. The HandiGuide can be acquired in MS WORD and / or PDF format. In addition we provide the option to get updates and free custom job descriptions.

Recently added job descriptions include:

All of the positions in the book are gender-neutral and have been created to reflect technical competencies, jobs proficiency levels and meet compliance requirements of 2024.

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Security Manual Template - 2024 Edition Released

Latest version of the Security Manual Template has been released. New features include:

  • Includes "How to Implement AI into Security Management"
  • Includes Chief AI Officer job Description
  • SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) which includes BEST PRACTICES and KPI METRICS
  • Chapter on Identity Protection and what enterprises need to do to protect their users.
  • eReader (.ePub) version that can be shared on tablets and smartphones
  • 25 electronic forms that support mandated compliance requirements.

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Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity 2024 Edition Released

Disaster Recovery Planning and Business Contiuity Planning DRP Sample DRP Template Disaster Recovery Plan Template

The Disaster Recovery Business Continuity Template is a comprehensive tool and set of disaster and business continuity planning resources, including a detail disaster recovery business continuity work plan on how to proceed from evaluating risk factors to retrieving server data.

The template has new electronic forms which have been updated to address the realities of today. They are:

  • Pandemic Planning Checklist
  • Vendor Partner DR/BC Questionnaire

Areas covered by the template are:

Besides all the great information included in the Disaster Planning e-book, a PDF version of our Disaster Recovery Planning Template and MS WORD version of the template provide a variety of unique, hands-on planning resources to help ensure your organization's disaster readiness as no other product on the market can. So do not delay—order Janco's Disaster Recovery Business Continuity Template (DRP Template) today!

Read on  Order DRP  DRP Sample

2024 Edition of IT Management Tool Kit Released

IT Management Tool Kit

CIOs and CTOs are in a constantly evolving field, however world class CIOs and CTOs focus on three areas to help them manage more effectively. They are:

  • Technology
  • People
  • Infrastructure

Over 2,500 pages of "Best Practices", tips and techniques, policies, procedures, job descriptions, electronic forms and much more. Ready for immediate download.

Read on  Order Management Tool Kit

2024 Edition of Compliance Management Tool Kit Released

Compliance Management Kit Recent ransomware attack shave focused many C-Level executives on asset security and compliance as more business is conducted on the Internet. In addition, not meeting compliance mandates exposes enterprises to damaged reputations and fines. The Compliance Management Kit provides tools that properly implemented minimizes those risks. The Compliance Management Kit is the must-have tool to meet mandated governmental and industry compliance objectives. 

Now includes 25 key compliance job descriptions including the Chief Compliance Officer.

Added in this addition of all versions of the Compliance Management Kit is a ISO 28000 Supply Chain Management Audit Program. It is available for immediate download in both in .docx, .pdf, and ebook formats.

The 2024 Edition comes with a full 30 day "no questions asked" return policy.

Read On  Order Compliance Management Kit  Download TOC

2024 Edition IT Infrastructure Architecture with 24 months of update service now available

Janco has just released its IT Infrastructure Architecture with the ability to get updates to all of its components for 24 months from the date of its purchase.

Read On  Order IT Infrastructure Architecture  Download Sample

10 Backup Best Practices White Paper Released

Backup Best Practices White PaperJanco has just released a white Paper that defining the 10 Backup Best Practices. It defines how to supplement a disaster recovery and business continuity back-up solution with the cloud. A copy of this key document is available to members of Janco's social network.

To join and get a copy of this white paper register here.

NEWS -- Policies and Procedure Bundle -- UPDATED in the 2024 Edition

CIO policy bundle

The policies have just been updated to comply with all mandated requirements and include electronic forms that can be Emailed, filled out completely on the computer, routed and stored electronically -- a total solution.

We have just completed a major update of all the individual polices and all of the electronic forms.

Electronic Infrastructure Policy Forms - The electronic forms that Janco has developed can be e-mailed to users, completed on the computer, and then stored electronically. Forms comply with all mandated requirements for electronic records. A few of the forms are:
  • Blog Policy Compliance Agreement
  • BYOD Access and Use Agreement
  • Company Asset Employee Control Log
  • Email Employee Agreement
  • Internet Access Request
  • Internet and Electronic Communication Employee Agreement
  • Internet Use Approval
  • Mobile Device Access and Use Agreement
  • Pandemic Planning Checklist
  • Sensitive Information Policy Compliance
  • Security Access Application

To see a full list of the forms go to Infrastructure Electronic Forms.

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