Cloud Issues and Pit Falls
Cloud Issues and Pit Falls - In this age of business operations, software applications and electronic data are the life blood of the enterprise. When they are unavailable due to a disaster or outage, business is slowed or stopped altogether. In the short term, outages result in data loss, employee and customer frustration and lost revenue. The long term penalties of an outage can affect a business for a lifetime; lost records, transactions and accounting files can even put a business at risk of regulatory violations.
CIOs need to consider the following when dealing with Cloud implementations
- The cloud's fast pace of change can be hard to keep up with -- if a provider changes directions or goes out of business a path must be pre-defined that the enterprise can follow when that occurs
- The cloud does not always work like the "real world" -- developrs might find that the configuration they use in production is hard to replicate on cloud services
- Some applicationss are not ideal for development in the cloud -- The more hard-to-access or hard-to-replicate systems an application integrates with, the more difficult it is to develop and test it on cloud computing resources
- developrs often dislike the unfamiliar cloud territory -- Cloud computing is still relatively new to a lot of organizations, and it can be a disruptive technology, including in the development arena.
- Lack of documentation hinders cloud developrs -- the lack of documentation to help developrs understand the cloud and the tools and resources that can be used to build applications in that environment
- Network issues can bedevil private cloud environments -- Developing in the cloud sometimes means developing in your own private cloud, which may not have the multitenancy and load-movement capabilities that keep your applications available 24/7
- It's easy to let the meter run unnecessarily on the cloud -- a potential problem is wasting money on cloud fees. developrs can easily forget or neglect to turn off virtual machines they are not using.
- Cloud licenses can contain surprising deployment restrictions -- Among the nontechnical issues with the cloud that can have an impact on development are licensing restrictions.
- Integration can be harder to troubleshoot -- Integrating new applications with existing ones can be a key part of the development process, and the cloud brings even more challenges from an integration perspective
One solution is to get the Practical Guide of Cloud Outsourcing.
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