CIO - Planning and Productivity Kit Delivered Electronically
2025 Edition of IT Management Tool Kit Released
CIOs and CTOs are in a constantly evolving field, however world class CIOs and CTOs focus to help them manage more effectively. They are:
- Technology
- People
- Infrastructure
- Succession Planning
Over 2,700 pages of "Best Practices", tips and techniques, policies, procedures, job descriptions, electronic forms and much more. Ready for immediate download.
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CIO - Planning and Productivity Kit - The best companies, and their CIOs, recognize the importance of ready access to the right information to drive the right choices between different variables. To help determine whether your Information Management function is moving toward a strategic approach, CIO should take some time to determine whether the solutions the implement do the following:
- Accelerate enterprise operations through automation, work flow, and collaboration
- Improve business analysis and decision support by providing historical and forward-looking views, including benchmarks
- Deploy performance management tools that analyze the company and its information technology resources
- Maximize enterprise revenues, products, services, and reputation
- Implement solutions that meet comprehensive management and compliance requirements
In addition, a truly integrated systemic foundation should CIOs achieve the following:
- Develop a closed-loop management process of strategy formulation, communication of goals, and measurement
- Monitor the performance of strategic key success factors using external and internal benchmarks
- Use tools that support a strategic planning process that integrates global strategic planning and specific operational planning problems in which IT is truly aligned with the business
In a similar way, you can also determine whether you are on the right track if your IT solutions provide the following:
- A single source for financial and operational information
- A timely access to accurate data, improving communication between IT, finance, and operations
- Increased alignment between front and back office applications, enabling management to better administer and track business strategy and decisions
- Reduced cost of compliance with industry regulations
- Improved security and controls and reduced risk of contractual and regulatory noncompliance
- Improved predictability, particularly with budget
The CIO productivity kit Standard edition contains
- 38 job descriptions in MS WORD .docx format
- Current IT Salary Survey for US and Canada (by city) PDF
- IT Governance Infrastructure, Strategy, and Charter Template in MS WORD .docx format
- Disaster Recovery Template which is Sarbanes Oxley compliant in MS WORD .docx format
- Security Template which is Sarbanes Oxley and ISO 27000 compliant in MS WORD .docx format
- IT Service Management Template (Change Management, Help Desk, and Service Requests) in MS WORD .docx format
- Sensitive Information Policy (Protect Credit Card Card and Personal Information) in MS WORD .docx format
The CIO productivity kit Metric edition contains
- Everything in the standard edition
- Practical Guide for Cloud Outsourcing in MS WORD .docx format
- Metrics for Internet and IT (metric kit) in MS WORD .docx format
- Service Level Policy Agreement Policy Template (metric kit) in MS WORD .docx format
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